The Voice-
I have a question for all of us. Are we so comfortable in our present spot in life that we see no need to change?
Our response is probably determined by several factors. Those include personal relationships, career choices, financial obligations and belief systems to name but a few. Age and gender may also play a role. If we took the time, we could list several other factors that hold us in the spot we now occupy.
What if a small but insistent voice tugs at our core, our soul, and urges us to reevaluate this most comfortable spot? That voice often refuses to be squelched. It is quite stubborn. We hear its urging and recognize the truth it is asking us to consider. What to do?
To acknowledge that we have heard the voice means we are ready to evaluate our present spot. That requires great courage. It is courageous to locate ourselves outside that most warm and welcoming comfort zone. Within this zone there is protection and acceptance. No surprises. Everything moves with a familiar rhythm. There is the familiar. Who would choose to open the door and step out of that safety net?
Stepping out of the safety net may require change. Heaven forbid we should change! Attitudes and beliefs might need adjustment. That is difficult work that we often do not want to do. Personal relationships could need a little tweek. Yes, stepping outside that comfort zone might require more than we are willing to give.
While we are sorting out what that small voice is asking us to consider, we finally recognize what is truly holding us in our present spot. Fear. Yes, fear.
Why would anyone voluntarily choose to leave a comfort zone when fear of rejection, ridicule and pain might lurk around the next corner? Wouldn't it be best to remain safely inside the net where none of those threaten? Yet, once that small voice has gotten our attention, we know we must deal with it. The choice is always ours. We can hear and agree that change is necessary but decide to continue on our path. Or we can listen and begin the process of change. Taking baby steps we can move forward to a more satisfying life.
Should we select change, the fear will remain. We have entered uncharted waters. Life will reflect our newness. Friends and associates may feel uncomfortable with the new in us, but we will feel exhilerated, full of passion and energy. Those who hold a belief in us will celebrate the moves we are taking to improve our life. These people are probably risk takers, also. They recognize the strength and courage needed to make significant changes.
And the others-they may watch from a distance waiting for us to fail. Or they may silently wish they had the courage to embark on change. It is possible they have not reached the spot we occupy, but they are aware. We are their example. We are their inspiration. As we move to a better place within ourselves, we can offer grace and acceptance to those we share life with. We have no secret. We simply have done the work to see where we can make life better for not only ourselves, but also for others.
It is challenging to move. I know. It is difficult. To take that first step means we have examined ourselves and have found need. Once that need has a name, we step out to discover new ground.
Have you felt a tugging at your heart? A small voice that won't be quieted? A desire that pops up at odd and unexpected times? Maybe it is yelling your name. Maybe it is whispering quietly. However it appears in your life, give it a little attention. Allow it time to perculate. Time to rest in the deepness of you ready to step forward when you give it the nod.
Haven't heard it yet? Slow down. Be quiet and wait. It is anxious to spread its love and care over you. Who knows how that voice may change your life.
PS. I have written about this before. For some unknown reason I feel the urge to write about it again. Often I ignore thoughts. I don't want to write certain things. But, this time I listened. Hope it helps someone.