Friday, May 30, 2014



Relationships.  Our lives are centered around that word.  We are in multiple relationships all our lives.  Some continue for years.  Others come and then go leaving a small imprint on us.  Some bring discovery.   Others bring that bright spot on a rainy day.  However we define our relationships, it is clear they color our lives.  Relationships are about more than one person.  Or are they?  Could it be that the relationship we have with ourselves is the one that actually colors all others?

If a relationship holds meaning for us, we are willing to keep it strong.  We are willing to do the work that healthy relationships demand.  We make the calls, spend time, work through challenges.  We do these things because they are important to us.  This is all well and good.  But, there is a relationship that we often ignore.  That would be the relationship with ourselves.

Knowing, understanding, loving and forgiving our own self is without a doubt the most difficult task that faces each of us.  To be able to begin this work, we must begin to understand how we developed our view of ourselves.  I believe the view we hold comes from all our life experiences.

The manner in which we were cared for and nutured as a child, the feedback we received from  our attempts at new experiences, the encouragement we received when we failed to meet some expectation, the love we experienced from those we loved are all ways we accquired our view of us.  This is the short list.  These experiences taught us much about the nature of relationships.

It would be wonderful if all the interactions of our past were positive.  How wonderful it would be if every baby born on this earth was cared for and nutured by loving parents/people.  How exciting if we received encouragement when our attempts at new things were met with success.  How uplifting if our attempts were not successful yet we were encouraged to continue trying.  It would be a near perfect world if these interactions were present in our lives from our earliest memories.  The relationships of our childhood certainly play a key role in who we are today.

Understanding why we think, behave and relate to others the way we do might help us move to a new and deeper understanding of ourselves.  Taking a backward look might give us new insight into why we hold certain views about ourselves.  It is entirely possible that our backward view is flawed.  It might be time to open the gate of our hearts and let the past go.  If we are holding on to some view of ourselves that is harmful, we need to take the time to ask ourselves why.  What does keeping that hurtful thing alive in our minds do for us?  Maybe it is time to live in the present.  Yes, it is hard.  Past relationships have a way of reappearing unannounced.  They don't even bother to knock. They simply enter.  I cherish the memories of childhood relationships with loving grandparents and relatives.  I smile when I think about my childhood friends and those teachers who encouraged me to see who I could become.  Those are the nuturing ones.  There are also those that I have chosen to forget.  They bring no joy when I allow them a place in my mind.  So, why would I give them any space at all.  I don't.

There is much more to say about relationships.  Another blog will talk about them from another angle.  One final thought is this.  We all have choice.  We should surround ourselves with those people who bring joy and sunshine into our relationships.  We should celebrate those in our past who encouraged us to move beyond the view of ourselves that was limiting.  We must be thankful for the absolute wonder of sharing our lives with others.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gardens and Life

Gardens and Life--

Each morning I do a "walk-around" of our place.  It is the fresh time of the day.  The time before all the stresses and concerns settle in around each of us.  The world looks inviting and new.  This morning there was a gentle mist hanging in the air.  A breeze pushed the tree branches ever so slightly.  The Hostas were standing tall and proud.  They know how much they are admired for their leaves and size. The gentle giants of my gardens.

Yes, it was a lovely few minutes.  I drank in all the sights and sounds wanting to store them in my memory for the rest of the day.   One thing I notice about the plants and flowers is they don't try to out do one another.  They live in harmony with one another.  If one plant is a little too close to the other, they somehow figure it out.  From where I stand looking at all of the plants, it looks like they co-exist perfectly.  Some are huge.  Others are smaller.  The colors and textures of the leaves and flowers are all different.  It is that difference that makes the garden such a treat. Each one is thriving in the midst of diversity.  If everything were the same, it would be too much of one thing.  Especially since we have over 500 Hosta in our gardens.

Life is like that, isn't it?   What if all food was the same?  What if every morning the only choice was one egg?  What if lunch was a meat and cheese sandwich?  What if dinner was a hamburger?  What if the menu never diversified?  It wouldn't take long before some inventive soul said enough of this and secretly began to produce more choice.  People would flock to that change.  We thrive on choice.  We need it to satisfy our souls.  We are better when choice is before us.  Yes, just because we have choice does not mean that we always make the best one.  But, just like the garden, choice gives us the opportunity to grow in a different environment.  Choice stretches us.  I like that thought.

I find it so easy to be complacent.  To do the same things over and over.  Sometimes I don't realize that I am in that rut until something jolts me out of it.  So much is missed if I don't move into untested waters and stick my toe in.  It is all about being open to seeing the world and all its people through new eyes.  Certainly, we won't embrace each new that places itself in our path.  But, we can at least examine that new and see if it might have something to offer us.  It is possible that by limiting ourselves to what is comfortable, we miss the opportunity to experience the new that refreshes and pushes us.

Each of us has something unique to give to this world.  Each of us has the opportunity to take from others what they are so kindly offering.  Living in peace and harmony among diversity is the goal.  I pray we seek that each day of our lives.

Live well today.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

I Need Your Help

I Need Your Help--

Dear Readers,

I need your help.  One of my readers told me that words are missing from my blogs.  She said three or four or more words are gone leaving blank spaces where they should be in sentences.  I am concerned that others might be experiencing the same thing.

If my blog is coming to you with missing words in many sentences, would you please let me know?  I can contact the company and see what is happening.

It is the weekend.  For Americans it is a special weekend.  We celebrate those in uniform.  Those from the past, those who are living now and those in the future.  We celebrate our freedom made possible by these courageous men and women who felt the call to duty.  My dad was one of those people.  He was in the Navy in WWII.  I have his uniform.

So enjoy this wonderful weekend!  Be grateful that we live in a free country.  And love on those you hold dear!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Phone Adventures

Phone Adventures--

When I think about yesterday, I laugh.  Bet you can relate.

The day started out well.  I got up early so the flower baskets could be watered before I left for a gathering.  Since there are many baskets, it takes a bit of time to give them all some attention.  I usually speak to them, wishing them a good morning and pleasant day.  Can't leave any out of the morning greetings just in case they communicate with one another.  Go ahead--laugh.

Following all the outside work, it was time to get ready for the rest of the day.  That went well until I began to load the car with my new books for delivery.  This seems so silly, but at the time it was a challenge.  I had written the names and amounts of books on a piece of paper.  That paper told me how many, who and where.  Now that I needed it, where was it? Many minutes wasted searching my desk for it.  That should tell you something about the condition of my desk.

After locating the paper, I glanced at the clock.  Time was running out for me.  Grabbing books, zip lock bags, and the paper I headed out the door.  As usual, I forgot my phone.  I had set the house alarm.  It now had to be disarmed so I could search for the phone.  Found it.  All is well, but the minutes were clicking by.

The incoming text message ding sounded.  One  more stop in the day.

The drive into town was just what I needed.  A little peace and quiet before the meeting.  Time to think about what the day had been so far.  It was during the drive that I noticed my phone was not in my purse.  It was not on the seat.  It was not in the cup holder.  This was not a good thing.  I feel naked without that thing.  Should I turn around on the interstate and head back to the house?  My good sense told me that I could survive one day without it so I continued on my way.

Since it was a nice morning, I decided to park a distance from my meeting.  The walk was very pleasant.  I purchased a latte, sat down in the lobby and waited for my friend to arrive.  While I waited, I sipped on the coffee and read a little from my book.  That was interesting.  I am not sure one should ever read what they have written.  The mind begins to offer how it could have been done much better.  Oh well.  Too late for that.

When she arrived, I gave her a copy of my book.  She is the one who did the formatting for it.  What a great job she did.  She laid her leather folder on the table where my coffee was setting.  I guess by now you see where this is going.  Yes, I knocked the coffee over, and it quickly moved to the corner of her binder, finding its way into any openings. Ugh!  We got that under control.  Was this the way the entire day was headed?

We spent a little time planning the next venture and then parted ways.  All the while my mind had been replaying my moments before leaving the house.  Exactly where did I last see my phone?

It was now time to deliver the books.  I was driving along, minding my own business, when the car in front of me threw on the brakes.  I did the same as did the car behind me.  I have been rear-ended twice so I am very familiar with how that looks and sounds.  I missed her bumper by half an inch.  I hate the sound tires make when the brakes are applied quickly.  During that moment, my phone signaled an incoming text.  The phone was in the car.  Hooray.  But where?

There was a driveway to a park close by so I drove in, parked the car and got out.  I was going to find that thing if it took all day.  Then I remembered that when I got in the car earlier that morning, I threw my purse on the seat beside me.  It fell over.  Everything would have been great had I zipped it.  That is something I need to learn to do.  Because it was not zipped, the phone slid out along with my lipstick, pens, papers.  You name it. I searched the back seat, the side pockets, between the seats.  When I slid the passenger seat as far forward as I could, there it was. On the floor. A huge sigh of relief washed over me.  Really?  It is just a phone.  When did it gain such control over my mood and my day?  Time to see who sent the text.  Thank goodness she did.  I might never have found that blasted thing.  Last summer I was joining my husband at the lake for an outing.  I called and called him.  It always went to voicemail.  When I arrived at the lake, I asked him why he had not answered his phone.  His reply was to point to the water.  Somewhere on the bottom was his phone.  This modern life is not always as easy as marketers would have us think.

Then I remembered that last summer we took food to the lake.  Family was joining us for some boating time.  We took chips and sandwiches along.  The day was perfect.  After we finished boating, we loaded the leftover food into our truck and drove home.  At home I put all the opened bags of chips in the cabinet for another time.  It was about that time that I realized my phone was missing.

We searched the truck.  No phone.  We drove back to the lake which is about forty-five minutes from our house.  We searched the place around where the truck was parked.  No phone. We searched the boat.  No phone.  We talked with the people who run the marina and gave them our house number.  We asked them to call if anyone turned in a phone.  And then we left for the ride home.  All the way back, I tried to remember the last time I saw my phone.

Later that night we decided to have chips and dip as we watched tv.  When I opened a bag of chips, my phone slid out.  Yes, it slid out.  How in the world did it get in the bag of chips?  After all the traveling and worrying, there it was in my closet resting among the chips.  Relief.  When did it become so important?  It is important  because it is my contact with people.

I made the rounds delivering books.  Had a nice visit with a friend then headed home.  As I drove, I thought about how small things that interrupt our day have the ability to put our noses out of joint.  Those small things that mean nothing irritate us so much.  We feel agitated.  We are unable to remember that the day started out well. As I thought about that, I thought that challenges are little bumps in our days that we should expect.  By expecting them, we give them a moment but not the entire day.  That is important.

I think it is time to wear that thing around my neck.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Good Morning!

Good Morning--

Good morning, World.  Good morning all the people who live on this beautiful planet.

It is the beginning of a new day.  The possibilities for good are endless.  There are so many opportunities to make our own personal space a better place.  It is like the ripple effect when a stone is thrown into a lake.  The water ripples out from the original spot and moves in circles.  That is what you do.  You are the original spot.  From you all good has the possibility to be known.  From me all the good I can do is waiting to happen.

Challenges may come our way.  In fact, they probably will.  What we do with those challenges-how we behave-will have an audience.  Our words will be heard by other ears.  Our reactions will be judged as being positive or negative.

How about it!  How about we move through this gift of a day and honor everyone-even the most unlovable.  Truth is they probably need it the most!

Onward and upward!:)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Today's Thought

Today's Thought-

Let's live a pretty life.  One that lifts others.  One that supports the efforts others make on our behalf.  Let's tell others how special they are.  Let's not let a day go by that we don't have a thankful heart for our families and friends.  Let's cherish even the smallest moments with others we enjoy.  Let's be the light that others need when the dark settles in around.

We get what we give, don't we?  What we give is exactly what will return to our hearts and lives.  I want my life to be full with the joy of life and love.  If that is what I want, that is what I have to give.  It is easy to give that.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Our Vegas Experience

Our Vegas Experience-

It was time to think about getting away for a few days.  We researched places we had never been.  Several places looked interesting.  Eventualy we settled on Las Vegas.  Flights to Vegas were inexpensive, and we located a hotel that was close to the strip.  It looked okay from the pictures.

We booked the flight and the room.  We would be there for a long weekend.  With expectations of a good time, we packed and caught our flight to the place where secrets are kept.  When we arrived at our hotel, we were a bit surprised.  It was definitely not on the strip.  In fact, it wasn't even close.  There is that false advertising again.  But we made the best of it as we knew we would spend most of our time away from the room.

We decided to see a few shows.  We asked the concierge at the hotel to recommend shows we should see.  He told us about a show that is a staple of Vegas.  He said it was the longest running show in Vegas.  So we booked tickets.  What did we know?

We arrived at the theatre at the appointed time.  Instead of individual seats, people were seated around small tables.  We were directed to our section and searched for a table with two chairs.  Eventually we located one with four chairs.  Another couple was already seated at the table so we asked if we could join them.  Before the show began, we ordered drinks.  By the time they arrived the room was dark.  It was showtime.

The waiter set the drinks on the table, and my husband immediately spilled his all over the table and the poor couple who was sharing our space.  We spent several minutes trying to clean up and apologize to the rather wet people on the other side of the table.

Once we got that under control, we turned our attention to the stage.  Music was playing, and the curtain opened to a scene of beautiful women in the most elaborate costumes I had ever seen.  Huge plumes on their heads, sparkles all over, very high heels.  What seemed strange to me was the way they were walking.  Their arms were outstretched, their heads held high and straight.  They moved very slowly.  They seemed to float across the stage.  I thought that was a little different.  I was expecting energy.  High energy.

It was about that time that I noticed something I had not seen.  They had no tops on!  They were moving slowly so that they didn't jiggle!  The girls were perky and perfect.  Looking at my husband, I saw a man totally engrossed in the performance.  I had never seen him so interested in a theatre performance before.

Other women performers appeared on stage.  They wore beautiful costumes.  They brought the energy I had expected.  Their dance routines were remarkable.  And all the while they were doing their routines, the ones with no tops floated around the stage.  I actually got tickled watching them.  It looked so silly to me.  But, they were what brought everyone to that particular theatre.  Watching them I wondered about surgery.  No woman I knew looked like that.  We could all walk around our homes in high heels with hats on our heads, and the girls would not be that under control!

We did see Hoover Dam and drove through the desert to a mountain where people go to ski.  We had good food and enjoyed our time there.  It was fun for a few days.  The next time we drove through Vegas, we stayed in a beautiful hotel on the strip.  We did go to the theatre.  This time all the performers wore clothes.

My New Book

My New Book--

Are you interested in short readings about life events?  If so, you may want to think about a $10 purchase.  That purchase would be my new book that is hot off the press.  It is titled Wisdom Moments.

Years ago I was told if writing were easy, everyone would be doing it.  On those days when I think there is nothing I can share with all of you, I think about those words and go about the task of developing an idea.  It is not easy.  But, it is so rewarding to receive a note from you that says something I wrote touched your heart.

Presently I am working on the next publication.  The format will be different, and I hope you find it engaging.   It should be out in the fall-or sooner if I am able to pull all the pieces together.

Soon I will post a "real" blog.  Stay tuned.

You can message me if you would like a copy.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Two Sides of the Road

Two Sides of the Road--

On one side of the narrow road is a field where dreams come to live.  One side of the road is alive with activity.  Baseballs fly from one hand to another's glove preparing for the battle that is only minutes away.  Adults gather together to cheer for their team.  Chairs are unpacked and set up so that watching is comfortable.  Coaches encourage team members.  They remind the players to be mindful of the wind.  Balls change direction when a gust of wind races across the field. They spend time reviewing the game plan.  Umpires sweep home plate and visit with one another.  The snack bar and bathrooms are located.  Once the umpires signal game time, all eyes and attention are on the field and the boys in uniforms.  Everything becomes serious. Everyone knows that only one team will walk away with the victory.

On the other side of the narrow road is the place where dreams live no more.  It is quiet on this side of the road.  The only activity is the movement of birds from tree to tree.  Stones and cement markers stand as a remembrance of those who once walked this earth.  The contrast between the two sides of the road made me pause and think.

Dreams are in their beginning stages for those on the ball field.  The future is out there somewhere.  It can wait.  Right now the important things are the game, their friends and family, and food.  Everything else will appear later.  Some of the players may have chosen their field of study.  But for most, that decision is a few years away.  These are the golden years of youth ruled by the moment.

Those who reside on the other side of the road once had dreams, too.  Since this is a rural community, my guess is many lived their lives on farms growing soy beans and corn.  In my mind's eye I see large white two-story homes with barns and silos in the back.  I see the people who lived in these homes sitting around a large kitchen table discussing the need for rain so the crops can grow.  I see ledgers with numbers that tell the story of success or near failure.  And now they are resting from a life of hard work.  Side-by-side with the people who shared their hopes and dreams.

Life will end.  All life will end.  People, animals, plants-everything that lives on this earth.  Knowing this gives us the opportunity to make the absolute most of the moments we have.  That is pretty darn exciting.  It is exciting to know that each moment is precious.  Each person is deserving of our respect.  Each opportunity that knocks on our door is an opportunity to grow.  That middle part of our lives is the gift we receive.  How will we celebrate that gift?

What do we do when we receive a gift?  We look closely at it.  We shake it to see if anything makes a noise  We notice the wrapping paper and the ribbon.  We feel its weight.  A smile forms on our face as we anticipate what might be inside.  Until it is opened, its contents are unknown.  While we want to know what is inside, part of us wants to hang on to this moment just before knowing.  Wanting to know wins, and soon we rip the ribbon and paper off.  There it is.  The gift just for us.  Only us.  It belongs to no one else.  We can use whatever was in that box, or we can put it away.  We can use it or save it.

Tomorrow is a gift.  In the morning we will all open that gift a little at a time.  And then it will be over.  The next day we will do it all over again.  Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.  We will move from the ball field of life to the final resting place.

Know what I think we should do right now?  Smile more.  Laugh out loud.  Sing joyfully. Love completely. Forgive others because it's the right and necessary thing to do.  Make cookies.  Walk in the rain. Plant flowers.  Encourage others.  Think positive thoughts.  Right wrongs.  Make new friends.  Stand in the sunshine and be thankful.  Visit with someone who has been on our mind and heart.  Listen well.  Love ourselves.

And maybe grab a ball, a bat and a glove and play ball!


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Attending a Pity Party

Attending a Pity Party--

Feelings get in the way of reality.  We may know a certain thing for sure.  We don't doubt it at all, yet when feelings appear,  everything changes.

Ever gone to a pity party?  I imagine we  have all attended a few of these parties.  They aren't much fun.  Those in attendance usually carry tissues that are not for noses.  These tissues are for the rain that falls from the eyes.  It is possible to have a few upbeat moments during a pity party.  However, about the time one believes the worst is over,  the faucet is turned on and down the water flows.  While some people may enjoy a good pity party and cry, I don't like going there.

Going there is easy.  All it takes is a little disappointment, a bit of grief, a feeling that everything is working out for others but not for you, a sense of loneliness, feeling left out.  Take any of those and off you go.  Take them all--there aren't enough tissues in the world to handle the water.  Towels might be a better choice.

Leaving a pity party takes some effort.  It is in the mind that we first walk through the door and into the sunshine.  But, honestly, sometimes we simply need to cry it out.  Even if it takes all day.  Tears cleanse our souls.  With each tear a little of the hurt or whatever we title it, flows away.  Being brave and holding the tears in only causes them to flow longer and harder once they have their way.  Tears teach us that we are human, and that we cannot escape our humanity.  We must walk through it.

Talking about our feelings with someone who loves us is a good way to walk through them.  The person we pick must want to hear what we have to say.  They must not be judgemental at this point.  When we are stronger, we will be ready to hear what they think.  But not now.  Right now we need to be heard and understood.

Feelings are fickle things.  They lead us down the garden path.  They have the ability to change our mood.  If we stop and examine them, we might be able to see the error in our own thinking.  We might even be able to replace them with positive thoughts.  That takes work.  Often we simply go with them instead of examining them closely.  It is also possible that we see only one side of a challenge.  What we see makes us sad.  When we understand the other side,  those fickle feelings just might disappear.

Personally, I don't enjoy allowing my feelings to control me.  However, sometimes they do.  When that happens and the feelings are hurtful, there seems to be no way out of it but to go with them.  Allow the tears, cry out loud, get in the car and bawl.  Look in the mirror and cry more because the person looking back  looks terrible.  Talk out loud  about what is troubling.  Do whatever it takes to move beyond this point.  Walking into the pity party is one thing.  Staying there is another.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

More Thoughts on Bending and Swaying

More Thoughts on Bending and Swaying--

Thoughts often come to me when I have no way to write them down.  Someone suggested a tape recorder.  That is a very good idea.  Now to make it happen.

The thought I had about our ability to bend is this.  When trees cannot bend enough, they break.  Once they break, there is no way they can be repaired.  They cannot change.  There are no second or third chances to go back and repair the damage.  Often the jagged pieces that are left eventually rot away, and what was left of the tree is gone forever.  They did not make the decision to break.  Maybe the wind blew harder than they could withstand.  Maybe there was decay on the inside that no one noticed.  Whatever the reason, they lost the ability to bend and sway.  And so they died.

While we are certainly like the tree in many ways, we are also quite different.  We are allowed multiple opportunities to bend and sway.  We are given the chance to repair ourselves through discussion, prayer, writing.  We have time on our side.  Time to make whatever repairs that need to be made.

I am eternally grateful for time.  However, since none of us know how much time we have, maybe we should get with the plan and stop being so rigid.  Maybe we should choose to smooth off the jagged edges of our lives and grow flowers in our hearts.  Maybe we should learn that laughter and fun helps keep the rot away!  Ok.  Perhaps I am stretching it just a bit.  

I promise.  No more thoughts on bending and swaying.  Going outside to enjoy the beauty of nature.  Hope you are, too.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bending and Swaying in the Wind

Bending and Swaying in the Wind--

Just like everyone else, we have been outside working in our yard and plant beds all morning.  The sun is shinning, the sky is a beautiful shade of blue, bluebells are in full bloom, and everything is popping out of ground.  One thing is needed to make this the perfect day.  That one thing has been with us all winter.  Know what I am writing about?

Yes, the wind.  I love a gentle breeze when the day is hot and muggy.  However, the wind has been strong and constant for months.  It has been our companion through the bitter cold of winter and now in our very late and cold spring.  It has been an unusual six months weatherwise.

After changing from my mud covered pants and shoes, I decided to sit on the deck and enjoy the sights and sounds of spring.  It was then that something caught my eye.  We have many trees on our small acreage.  Most of the trees are just now beginning to show signs of leaves.  Many of the trees have small trunks.  Because they are small in diameter, they sway in the wind.  Of course, that made me think.

As I watched the trees swaying in the winds, I thought about people and beliefs.  I thought about being rooted in what we hold dear yet allowing new thoughts a place in our beings.  What a perfect picture the trees are of the necessity to be able to stand firm yet be able to bend to keep from breaking.  Watching the trees made me realize that just because I believe a certain way doesn't make it the right belief for others.  Honestly, I reached that conclusion many years ago.  It simply reaffirmed that fact.  Being able to bend means we value what others think.  People tend to shy away from meaningful conversations with others who cannot see change as a possibility.

There will be times when we simply will not bend.  Certainly those times arrive when raising children.  They may show up when we find ourselves in a relationship that might bring us pain.  You know what those times look like for you.  While I acknowledge that there are circumstances when we hold firm, I also know that most of life is made up of gentle swaying.  There is a sweetness in being able to hold firm with a gentle spirit.  We are  drawn to those people who know who they are yet do not feel the need to change others.  They are such a gift.

Maybe today we will be faced with a situation that requires us to bend.  Will we be willing to allow that to happen?  Someone may ask us a direct question that requires a response.  Can we give that response while remaining rooted in our own self?  Can we do that in a nonthreatening manner?  Can we allow another person to share what they think without giving our two cents?  Sometimes people need a listening ear.  When that happens, they are not looking for our response.  They are simply sharing.  When we are privileged to be the listener, thankfulness should wash over us.  Someone trusts us to be with them in a time of need.  What they don't need is our rooted belief.  They need our ability to sway-to move with them through whatever the circumstance.

The wind continues to blow through the trees as I write this.  Trees are bending and swaying.  Yet they are rooted firmly in the ground.  I love that.  What a lovely lesson we can learn from that beautiful picture nature provides.