Thursday, October 30, 2014

Patterns of Behavior

Patterns of Behavior--

Hello to you all.  Just a short thought that has been swirling around in my head.

What we grow up with we pass on to the next generation.  Much of what we pass on is good.

I like to believe that what was passed on to our son was positive.  However, I know human nature, and I know my nature.  A little of the negative found its way in the passing.  I hate that.

To break that pattern or any pattern of behavior, adults have to first recognize the pattern and develop a plan to replace it with a better pattern of behavior.  Old patterns never disappear, but once we realize what they are, we can choose new patterns.  We might even need to apologize to those who were witness to us not being our best.

Life is a work in progress.  We are never perfect, but we can improve.  We have it in our power to model positive behavior for all children.  Especially our own.  When we improve, we are giving them the tools they will need to solve their own life challenges.

Adults must stop blaming their past. We must move beyond our raising.  If we witnessed certain behaviors that were negative in our growing up years,  now is the time to remind ourselves that we wish different ways of modeling for our children.  Now is the time to make the changes so our children will be able to live better lives-capable of making better choices.

It is like going to a restaurant and being given a menu.  We have choice.  We can choose from what is presented.  Some of the choices are certainly not the best for us.  Others are better.  And some are perfect.  We don't blame the chef for placing all the choices in front of us.  We understand that we must choose.

Ok.  Maybe not the best analogy.  But, I think you get the point.  We are the product of our growing up years.  Many things happened during those formative years.  And now that we are adults with children to mentor, we get to choose how to help them grow into their fullness.

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