Wednesday, April 1, 2015



Decisions.  Why are some so easy to make and others so difficult?  Deciding between chocolate and vanilla ice cream is fairly easy.  Having both is a possible solution.  Deciding between salad or burger might cause a moment of thought.  One is healthy.  The other also contains salad.  Well, ok.  Not much but doesn't a little count?  Deciding between a bikini, a two piece or a one piece requires little thought.. Depending on age, body type, extra fluff the decision is made way before one enters the store to make the purchase.  

As you can see, many of life's decisions are fairly simple. We make them with hardly a thought.  We allow our feelings or emotions to push us into the decision we really want.  Even when it is the wrong one for us.  Yes, let's blame our emotions.  There we go.  Another decision.  But, then comes the time in each life when difficult decisions have to be made.

This time emotions take a back seat.  We lock them in the truck.  This time we need to think clearly.  We need to examine all the facts.  Look at them from all angles.  Think about the repercussions.  Make a list of pros and cons.  Include everything.  Even after carefully examining all the sides, we may still find ourselves confused.  What to do?  In times like these we sometimes resort to doing nothing.  To allowing life to continue as usual even though the usual means death to our spirits.  Sometimes it is just plain easier.

What separates people?  What enables some to make a difficult decision seem easy?  What prevents others from moving off dead center?  I find this quite interesting.  In both instances the people involved had to decide what they wanted.  What would make them happy.  What was the best between two good things.  Good, better, best.  Do we settle for good or better when best is calling our name?  Are some people content with routine while others behave badly if routine becomes the norm?  Is acceptance a piece of this pie?  Is acceptance a bad thing?  Golly gee.

Most of life is made up of small decisions.  I am so thankful for that.  The big ones are difficult.  What doctor?  What treatment?  What job?  Move?  Those are life changing.  They move us to a place where decisions are a must.  We have no choice.  We find ourselves in the middle of change, and know we must participate.  We can not be fence setters.  We have to jump into the arena of life.  Life may never look the same.  May never be the same.  The new normal requires more decisions.

We all face decisions.  Can't avoid them.  They are our constant companion even though we are often not aware they are with us.  We won't always make good ones.  Sometimes in life we shove that small voice in our head and heart right out the door.  We don't want to listen.  We want it our way.  Even when our way is certainly questionable.  Sometimes we suffer the consequences of those decisions made in a moment of haste.  However, even when our decisions are faulty, they provide us with life lessons.  They provide teachable moments.  If we learn and move forward in a new direction.

What decisions are facing you right at this moment?  What are facing me?  What will appear unannounced later this week or next?  Which way shall we go once we are faced with the challenge of a decision?

All of that is later!  Right now I think I have made the decision to have chocolate and vanilla-with whipped cream and a cherry.

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