Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Brief Encounter

A Brief Encounter--

We met them as we turned the corner.  They were pulling suitcases.  He looked tired and sweaty.  She tried to put on that happy face that strangers do sometimes.  It was evident they had had a very long day.

We pulled up along side of them and asked how their day had been.  Where had they started from?  They were eager to share the story of their day.  It began in California.  Things went south from those words.  A three hour delay.  Three hours is a long time to be delayed at an airport or on a plane.  I didn't ask which.  He said they were given bottles of warm water and warm soda.  His face was not a happy face when he said those words.

We stopped for a bit and visited.  I asked why they were in Salem.  She said they were moving here.      They came to purchase a house.  Already had some spots in mind.  It was obvious they were excited about the prospect of starting life in a new place.

We spoke for a few minutes, and then said our goodbyes. We wished them well as they began their new life.  They looked like they needed a shower and food.  And cold water.

It was a quick encounter.  Strangers passing in a hotel hallway.  Nothing deep or lasting.  Yet, I think there is a lesson or two in these types of meetings.  We learn much when we take the time to engage with strangers.  We learn their dreams. Their hopes.  Their desires.  We learn what makes them happy, and what is a discouragement to them.  And because they were so willing to share, we were able to give them encouragement.

A brief moment in time.  So much of life is just that.  Brief moments.  Those quick moments leave lasting impressions, don't they?  When I think of that couple last evening, I think of all that awaits them on this new journey.  I remember how eager they were to begin.   They reminded me that life is full of moments that seem unimportant, but really do have much to teach us.

Not all encounters are so sweet.  There are times when ugly words are spoken.  Words that stay with us for a lifetime.  Words that serve no real purpose.  Words that are meant to hurt.  Sometimes those words catch us by surprise.  Sometimes we are not surprised at all because we know where they came from.  Then there are those times when we speak words that are not uplifting.  Not encouraging.  Not kind.  Once in awhile words like these are written down for the receiver to read.  To respond or not?

Let's put words on a scale.  Tipping the scale on the right are all the words that make people want to move forward.  Words of encouragement to try that new thing.  Words that bring a smile.  Words that comfort.  Words that build up those who are discouraged. Words that tickle our hearts.  Words that correct with kindness.  Words of care.  Words full of joy.  And hope.  And love.

On the left side of the scale let's put......no, let's not put any words that bring unhappiness to anyone.  Let's fill both sides of the scale with positive, uplifting words.  Let's be the person others wish to be around.  Let's do that.  Shall we?

Even though they were beyond tired, they wanted to tell their story.  We all need that.  We need someone to listen to our experiences. We need strangers to laugh about our horrid day waiting to leave an airport.  We need one another.  It is that simple.  What we don't need is judgment.  We really do not need that.

They never intended to remind me about the importance of moments.  They would probably be quite surprised to learn that they did.  I am grateful for those two sweet souls who took a short walk with us and shared their life.  May we never forget that moments are what life is made of.  One after another.  After another. After another...

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