Saturday, June 18, 2016



My mind is dry.  No matter how I try to connect words into sentences, most words remain disconnected, wandering around in my mind trying to find a resting place.  I do that frown that pulls the eye brows down and makes wrinkles appear much sooner than they should.  Think, I tell myself.  Think and extract those thoughts that are tumbling around in the brain.  It is all to no avail.  Thoughts I desire to share will not appear.

Some say this is writer's block.  Could be.  However, I believe it goes much deeper than writer's block.  It goes to the heart and soul of all that has and is happening in the world today.  Sometimes words aren't enough.  That seems to be where I am at this point in time.  So much to share yet unable to share.  I feel the need to speak, to raise my voice and scream why.  Why?  What is accomplished when acts of violence shatter lives?  How is humanity made better when those who have grudges or disagreements with others turn to violence in order to even the score?  Remember when people could talk through their differences?  Maybe retain their beliefs but gain a little understanding of others?  I don't understand.  I simply don't understand.

For sure we have all been upset with another person.  We have refused to speak or spend time. We have chosen to keep our distance.  All of these behaviors and more speak to the art of care. Yes, care.  We have given ourselves time to work through our own prejudices.  In taking time and not attacking, we are showing a great deal of care.  We don't have to agree with everyone.  What we do have to do is refuse to be drawn into the world of hate that explodes into our living/family rooms from endless news casts.  We can turn the channel.  We can read a book or visit with a friend. We can take a meal to someone who is sad.  We can meet with others whose beliefs are so different from ours in an effort to gain understanding.  We can be a bit more open to life.

Actions like these require time.  Time to sit down and listen.  Time to refrain from blame in a conversation. Time to think.  This presents major challenges to our present world.  We want it all now.  Right this moment.   That old term we used to use for children-instant gratification.  Here's the thing about that.  Had we taken a moment to think, we might have made a different, dare I say better, choice.  Time is the one thing we seem to lack.

We fill our lives with activities.  We race from one to the other.  If we can say we are so busy when someone asks about our lives, we believe we have arrived.  Busy is the "in" word. And it is certainly true.  We are busy people.  We have children involved in activities that keep us racing from one event to another.  We have jobs and home and friends and family.  All good things that fill life with memories.  Yet, is it remotely possible that we have lost something amid all the noise of our lives? We simply cannot find the time to sit and listen.  To truly try to understand another point of view or life style that might be different from ours. There it is again.  That aggrevating word-time.  It pulls us up short.  Would someone's life have been better had we had time?  Would our own lives be enriched had we taken time to simply be?  Frustrated with myself over time I have wasted.

It is past time for frustration.  It is time for action.  What action, you ask.  That is your decision.  And mine.  If I know someone needs a listening ear yet refuse to be there, I have missed a chance for a blessing.  I have missed the opportunity to practice my faith in a world that truly needs love and care. Do you believe that a simple smile can change a day?  A moment?  I do.  There have been times when all I desired was human contact.  And when a stranger smiled or opened a door for me, my spirit relaxed a bit.  Caring for others is often just that simple.

A few days ago a friend sent a text telling me of a tragedy that resulted in a death.  She wanted to know if she should go to the house and see the family since she is not a "best friend."  I told her to go.  Grief doesn't care if you are best friends.  People filled with grief need others.  She asked what she might take.  I suggested drinks.  Water, soda, etc.  She put drinks in a cooler with ice and went over.  She later thanked me for 'nudging' her to make that trip immediately.  We think too much before we reach out.  Maybe because we are trying to be careful about another's privacy.  Trying to allow them time when what they desire is a caring spirit.  Caring for others is so personal.  Each of us have so many opportunities.  Think of them as golden moments that allow us to touch another life.  And in return, ours is touched, too.

I fear this is a bit of a ramble.  Going from one thing to another.  It is the best I can do at this point in time.  The fact that any words found their way to this page astounds me.  My soul hurts for all those who died or were injured in Florida.  My heart is broken for the family of the little boy at the water's edge.  My spirit weeps for injustice wherever it appears.  That is the most I can write about those tragic events.  It is too painful to see other's hurts.

What to take away from this?  Not sure.  I will leave that up to each of you.  May we all wallow in our own thoughts and beliefs.  May we question.  May we hold a banner if holding a banner seems right.  May we be available.  May we listen well.  May we withhold blame and reach for understanding.

I am tired of thinking.  Blessings to each of you.

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