Saturday, April 12, 2014

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward--

What a blessing to have warm, sunny days.  I even appreciate warm, cloudy days.  After a winter that seemed as if it would never end, any days above freezing make me smile.  Even the grass seems to be relieved that winter is over.  Sprigs of green are appearing on shrubs, and daffodils are almost blooming.  Bluebells are springing out of the soil.  Soon they will cover sections of our woods and plant beds.  Eventually, trees will produce leaves, and the world will wear lovely shades of green.  The earth will experience a rebirth.  She will gift us with beauty.

A recent tragedy has also turned into a rebirth.  A young man's death has touched hearts.  Because of his life, others are paying it forward.  That means they are honoring his memory by doing acts of kindness to strangers as well as friends and family.  What a wonderful difference that is making in the lives of those who receive as well as those who give.  People are reaching into their hearts and pocketbooks to make life better for others.  While some are sharing what they are doing, others are doing it quietly.  Both are great examples of the wonder of humanity.

Isn't it wonderful to receive an unexpected gift?  Not long ago I received a gift of tulips from a friend.  She told me when she saw them, they reminded her of the colors in my house.  I was so touched by her thoughtfulness.  She certainly didn't have to purchase the tulips.  She had a choice.  Leave them there or  bring them to me.  Everyday I enjoyed their beauty and was reminded of the person who gifted me with them.

That tragedy has caused us all to think long and hard about what truly matters in this world.  Sometimes I forget that a smile is a gift.  A kind word is a gift.  A batch of homemade cookies right out of the oven is a gift.  A call, an email, a text are all gifts.  Listening is a gift we can give.  A hand written note expressing our appreciation for a person in our life is a gift.  I smile when I receive a thank-you card from a bride-to-be.  Knowing that something I selected is appreciated makes me happy.

When you examine all the things I listed, what you see is the human touch.  That is what matters most in this world.  We are wired to connect with others.  We need one another to get through our days on this earth.  Our lives are richer and sweeter when we allow ourselves to be real with one another.  When we let that guard down, and we all have that guard, we are free to experience what real friendship and love are.  It can be a fearful thing to allow others to see the us we try so hard to hide.  Yet, the most real times in our lives are those times when we relax and let go.  Why is that so difficult?  I suppose we all fear the reaction we might receive should we decide to allow others inside our private space.  Not everyone we know has a need to know us on a deep level.  That is reserved for those few who allow us to see them as they are, too.

Wouldn't this world be a more beautiful place if all humanity began to see the value in everyone?  How would that change the world?  Certainly, there will always be those who decide to engage in behaviors that are harmful to others.  But, what if more and more people began to understand and act on the beauty of others?  What if we decided to try and understand another point of view?  What if we accepted differences without being judgemental?  What if we extended ourselves in love to friends, family and strangers?  What if we extended our own boundaries?  Do we have the power to make this world a more peaceful and loving place?  What if we opened ourselves to others who are different from us with no intent of changing them to be like us?

When a terrible thing happens, we are forced to face the truth that nothing is forever on this earth.  Because we know that, we have a choice in how our days will be spent.  We have a choice in our attitude.  We have a choice in how we think about others.  We have a choice to love or hate.  We have a choice between holding onto hurt feelings or letting them go.  We have choice.  I wish it were that simple, but it isn't.  We are complex creatures.  Yet, our days could be so much sweeter if we could allow ourselves to rejoice in the beauty that surrounds us and celebrate each day we are given.

Sometimes when I sit down to write, what appears on the page is not what I intended.  I find that so interesting.  It is as if something inside determines what shall appear on the page.  And I am surprised when I read what I have written.  Tonight is one of those times.

How do I end this essay?  I think I will end it by suggesting that all of us find that tender part of ourselves and allow it to surface.  That doesn't mean we cease to see what is wrong in our world.  What it means is we allow ourselves to love others and ourselves in a much deeper manner.  If we can do that only a little bit, a more gracious spirit will cover the earth, and everyone will be better for it.

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