Toxic. Really?
Toxic. The pet word of today. The word used to describe so many things. Water, air, relationships. So much more.
The elements that give us life and keep us living must be free from toxic chemicals. Free from any contamination that has the power to destroy people, animals, plants. Our eco system depends on a healthy environment to sustain life. It took years and years for people to realize or admit that we must tend to our earth just as we tend to everything else in our world. In certain instances, we waited too late. Those tree hugging hippies did us all a favor by refusing to give in to powerful companies. Only takes a few people with a deep sense of right and wrong to make a difference and change the world.
Toxic seems to be the word some people love to use on social media. When I read that word, I wonder what has happened to those who have written it. Usually it is written in reference to people. My guess is it is written about people who don't agree with the writer. Or who might have a difference of opinion. I certainly agree that we need to walk away from those whose purpose is to pull us down. However, it has been my experience that there are only a few who fit that category.
Whatever happened to friendly discussion? Are we so right that we are afraid that someone with a different opinion might contaminate us? Can we not see another point of view? Is the way we believe the way it truly is? Do we hide within our little group of like-minded people and refuse to see anything that doesn't fit into that box we have built? Is it essential that everyone have the same values and beliefs and actions that we have? Or can we see value in discussion? Can we allow ourselves to think outside the tiny box that we hold close? What might happen if we opened the door to that box and walked among the rest of the world? It is so easy to stay within our own system of belief. So easy to say the right words. So easy to do the acts of kindness. So easy to care for others. Yet, I wonder down deep within our souls who we really are. Do we see ourselves in truth, or do we see what we want to see?
I have learned that there are only a few who want to take part in serious discussion about their beliefs. What are we afraid of? Are we afraid that if others learn what we think, they will think we are strange? How safe we live. We look alike, sound alike, talk alike. Anyone who isn't like us--well, we can be friendly and kind.
Toxic is a serious word. If people understood it was being used about them, it would be too hurtful to digest. Who has the right to label another with that word? Just because there are differences of opinion does not mean that a person is--that word. It means there is disagreement. It means there are different values. It might mean one person sits in judgement of others. I don't like that word being used against people. I think it would be better to simply sit down and visit with anyone whose relationship is going south. End it with kindness. At least from your side of the situation. Labeling those who are different from us is very serious business.
If saying that I wonder if we are an experiment placed here to work out challenges and see what good we can do is toxic, then so be it. I don't know why we are here. When I think about this earth, this tiny earth, spinning around in space, my mind cannot take it in. The more we know about all of this, the more wonderful it is. And I wonder why we were placed here. How we were placed here. What we are to learn? What we are to do? We are so small. Yet within our small being is the power to do so much good. Why do we waste our time worrying about one person who might not be our best friend? Who might bring something we find offensive to our world? Is it really that important? If we were placed here to see what we could do and become, are we succeeding? Thinking about life from a different point of view does not mean I am a toxic person. It simply means, to me, that I think about many things and don't accept a simple answer. Sometimes. Often.
Yes, there are people who have evil as their purpose. Their life. They fail to recognize the wonder of it all. They are part of a system that I don't understand. When I see the world, I see precious people. People who simply want to have the opportunity to live and be at peace. We can be different yet get along. We don't have to hurt one another. Yet we do. Now, those are the toxic people. Those whose main objective is to kill and hurt as many as possible. Those who believe their way is the only way. Those are mean spirited people. Those are get even people.
So, perhaps we might rethink that ugly word. That word that is used to describe oil spills and factories spewing poison into the air. It is used to discuss the bug and plant killing chemicals we spray on plants. It is a killer of life. Human, animal, plant. It is serious business. We legislate against many things that are toxic. We impose fines. We try to control that which hurts this space.
Just because we are different from others does not mean we are toxic. If my church is not the same as yours, that doesn't mean either is toxic. It simply means that we have chosen to accept the beliefs of the one we attend. Even then it is possible to disagree within that structure. To my mind it becomes toxic when there is no tolerance or love for others. Especially those who are outside our own group. Often we believe we are different from our chosen group. Maybe a little more enlightened. A little more tolerant. I wonder.
Ok. I am finished with toxic. It is a word I hardly ever use. I never use it in relationship to other folks. I value the fact that others live on this space with me. We may not agree. We may not even like one another, but I am not the judge of them. It is not my place to hide behind words written in social media and put others in their place. It simply is not my right. It is my right and duty to do good and help others while I have breath. To encourage others. Not just those who are like me. But those who are very different from me. After all, I am only a tiny speck on a very small ball revolving in a huge space.
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