Monday, April 4, 2016

Treasures of the Ocean

Treasures of the Ocean--

One of our favorite things to do is walk the Oregon coast searching for agates.  We read the tide charts because the best time to go is when the tide is out.  All the rocks and treasures that the ocean gives up are found when it is low tide.  We have spent the past five weeks in high rubber boots and jackets doing that.  It is easy to spot people who hunt for agates.  They walk slowly along the edge of the ocean or perhaps wade a little into it.  Their heads are down.  In their pocket is a zip lock plastic bag or a bag from a grocery store to hold found objects.  Agates are usually found where rocks abound.  They come in all sizes and several colors.  Agates are little rocky nuggets of silica that formed inside ancient rocks or shells millions of years ago and as the outer layer wears away, the agate remains.  They come in varied colors ranging from orange to red or pink to lavender-even black.

Another treasure the Northwest ocean gives up is sea glass.  Sea glass is glass from bottles that have found their way in the ocean.  After being tumbled and tossed by the waves, the edges of the glass are rounded and smooth.  Often the glass has a cloudy appearance.  The usual colors are blue, green, white and clear.  People who hunt for sea glass use it for jewelry and art objects.  If the edges are not rounded, it is considered new to the ocean and not desirable.

People who collect agates often place them in tumblers.  After three weeks of tumbling, the rocks are smooth and shiny.  They are also used in jewelry or placed in bowls as found objects from the sea.

 We are leaving soon so we decided to spend today searching.  The best times to search are low tide after a storm.  The ocean deposits treasures everywhere after high waves.  As there was no storm,  pickings were a little slim.

I was walking along the edge of the ocean with my head down when someone spoke to me.  A young man walked beside me and told me I had missed two agates.  He opened his hand and there they were.  Before I could say anything, he handed them to me.  People don't usually share agates.  Yet, here he was offering me two beautiful ones.  After I thanked him, he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out two large agates that had been tumbled.  As he held them out for me to see,  he told me to select one to keep.  I was shocked.  He was offering me something wonderfully beautiful.  He held them up to the sun so I could see the designs inside the stones.  I asked him which one he would like for me to have.  He selected the most beautiful of the two and placed it in my hand.  At that point I told him I was visiting from Illinois.  He told me to tell my friends that I found it.  He said he finds them all the time.  It was such a lovely moment in time.

A little later we were making our way toward our car.  I was walking slower with my head down still searching for a few more for our collection.  Looking up, I saw a man approaching.  As he came closer, he asked me if I was having any luck finding agates.  I told him not much.  He stopped, opened his hand and showed me four he had found.  Then he handed them to me.  Surprised, I mumbled a thank you and told him we live in Illinois.  His response was awesome.  He said, "God bless you in Illinois."  And he continued his walk along the edge of the water.

These are only two of the experiences I have had with gracious people.  People who were searching just like I was and were willing to give up treasures to a stranger.   When one woman learned where I live, she placed a beautiful agate in my hand and gently closed my fingers over it.  She said she lives here and can look anytime.  That she wanted me to have what she found.

A moment in time.  A treasure far greater than a found agate.  One person touching another with grace and kindness.  Never to meet again yet leaving a lasting impression.

That's what it's about, isn't it?  Touching others with gentle spirits.  With a giving attitude.   Giving up something you desire so that another can experience the same joy.  Spending a moment connecting with a fellow walker on the planet.  Makes me wonder how many times I could have shared yet didn't.  The good thing is this.  There is another day waiting for me to give of myself to others.  Strangers, family, friends.  And I shall.

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