Friday, July 18, 2014

The Day After

The Day After--

It was a lovely morning for a walk.  A sweet breeze played among the trees.  Birds sang lovely songs.  Branches heavy with green leaves formed an arch over the path almost as if we were walking through a lush tunnel.  Flowers graced the sides of the walk.  Squirrels darted to and fro busy with the work that squirrels do.  Sunshine pierced the greenery creating shadows on the ground.  It was a perfect morning.

As I walked, I thought about all the things in this world that are beautiful.  People.  The laughter of children.  Health.  Smiles.  Warm greetings when someone enters our space.  A purpose.  Relationships.  Friendships.  Time to be.  Gentleness.  Patience.  Prayer.  And as I thought on those things, I was reminded once again that the most precious things in life cannot be purchased.  They are gifts.

People riding bikes were laughing as they passed me.  Friends engaged in conversation met and greeted me.  Parents pushing children smiled.  Some people were hooked up with music or a book as they walked or jogged.  Yes, it was the perfect morning for being outside.

Yet, I was keenly aware that life had changed in a day.  Life is like that, isn't it?  With no warning, no time to prepare, no time to think, life can change.  It changed yesterday for all those people in that plane.  I wanted to give each of them the gift of this beautiful morning.  I wanted to share this day with them.  I wanted to watch those young children ride their bikes on this smooth path and hear their laughter.  But, that will never be.  So I asked myself why.  Why can't people resolve differences?  Why is violence so rampant in the world?  Why would anyone choose to kill innocent people?

Others are grieving, too.  Everyday people leave us.  It is the way of life.  We understand that even if we find it difficult to accept.  We know that we are put here for a little while.  We know we have a beginning, a middle and an end just like a story.  In fact, we are a story.  Each of us is a story.  We accept that life will cease for each of us.  What we cannot and must not accept is the taking of life before its time by acts of violence.

There is nothing I can do to help those who are so very far away as they deal with their new normal.  Well, that is not entirely true, is it?  I can remember them in prayers.  And in their name, I can be present for others who are within my space.  The truth is we will all experience pain in this life.  We will all need the warmth of a friend when our life gets tough.  In their name I can reach out beyond my own personal comfort zone and give help to others in need.  Yes, I can do those things in their name.

There will be more beautiful mornings.  Birds will sing, squirrels will scamper, the breeze will blow.  People will go about their morning activities.  Life will continue.  And in that continuing of life, let us be so very grateful for all opportunities to show love and care to our fellow earth travelers.  The best things in this life have no monetary value at all.  But they are priceless beyond measure.

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