Thursday, September 11, 2014

Merging Lanes-Disaster!

Merging Lanes-Disaster!

So, I am driving down the interstate when a sign announces that a lane will close in two miles.  As I get closer to the lane closure, another sign informs that it is the left lane that will be closed in half a mile.  With this knowledge, I pass one more semi truck and then settle into the right lane.  And that is when the aggravation begins to slowly seep into my whole being.

Many vehicles have moved to the right lane in anticipation of the lane closure.  However, flying past in the left lane are all those vehicles who also read the sign.  For some unknown reason, they decided to continue in the left lane until it ends.  What usually happens is as they near the place where they must merge, right blinkers appear.  There is the expectation that those in the right lane who have been in the stop and go mode will allow them to move into the right lane and continue their journey.

A new wrinkle to this situation is when semi drivers pull their big rigs into the left lane thus forcing drivers to pull into the right lane.  No cars can speed by.  They must take their place in line.  The right lane.  They are performing such a great service to everyone.  Those who have to allow the merge no longer feel the anger and frustration mounting.  The lanes move at a slow but steady pace thus allowing little or no stopping and starting.  I suppose those who are trapped by the semis are not particularly happy, but the rest of us are so grateful.

When I find myself in this situation,  a person I don't recongnize appears.  As more cars zip by in the left lane, my frustration grows.  The first one or two cars that fly by--I think perhaps they didn't see the last sign.  I understand that because it has happened to me.  Then another ten or so cars pass, and my frustration begins to turn into something much more sinister.  At this point I realize they know exactly what they are doing.  They are making a run for it.  They are going to race to the end and then expect some kind soul to allow them in.  They could care less that the rest of us in the right lane have been allowing others to merge for thirty minutes.  It is all about them.  And now I am mad.  I say outloud that if anyone turns on that blinker, I will close that gap and force someone behind me to let them in.  Yes, that is what I will do.  I will not allow them to get in front of me.  Just let them try.

My hands grip the steering wheel.  My decision is made.  This is war.  No one is going to edge me out of my rightful place on this strip of cement.  No eye contact is made with the people in the left lane.  They are now the enemy.

And then someone realizes what they have done.  The car slows and the blinker appears.  They don't want to wait until the last minute to ask permission to merge into the right lane.  Maybe they were visiting with others in the car and lost track of time.  Maybe they were in deep thought about some challenge they are facing.  Perhaps they feel bad that they did this deed.  And now they want me, yes me, to allow them to merge in front of me.  It is the moment of truth.  It is one of the defining moments of my life.  Well, maybe it isn't that significant, but it is important.  What will I do?  How will I behave?

All I have to do is slow down just enough for them to edge into the right lane.  It is only one car.  But then, they should have been paying more attention.

So, I.....

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