Share the Love--
With all the challenges this world is experiencing at this moment in time, sometimes I feel overwhelmed. What can one little old lady do to make this world a more peaceful and loving place? I have asked that question over and over. Each time I ask it, the same response appears in my mind. That response is not much. How discouraging for me that I can not think of one way to make this world a better place. Nevertheless, I continue to ask the question expecting an answer.
Since I am not super rich, I cannot fly all over the world with medicines and doctors to administer them. I cannot bring groups together at a table to talk. To get to know one another as individuals instead of groups. It seems to me that when we know people as individuals, we develop a greater understanding of them and of ourselves. I cannot protect people from violence. Wait a minute. Maybe I am looking at this through the wrong lens.
Instead of thinking about what I cannot do, perhaps I should turn my attention to what I can do. It is true I will not be traveling to far away places to solve multiple problems. In place of airline tickets, I can research my own area and see where I can do the most good. Many agencies need help. Maybe I can be one of those who provide what they need.
Food for those who do not have enough. Clothes for those who have need. Shoes to protect especially since it won't be long before the weather turns cold. Coats and blankets to bring warmth. Yes, there is much I can do right here. I might even meet a new friend along the way while doing what I can to meet needs.
The beauty of this type of care is no one has to know what is given. It can be done quietly. No need for newspaper articles or television recognition. It is more than enough to know that someone will be warm and have a full tummy. That children will have a coat and gloves for the cold winter that is just around the corner.
I have been thinking about ways to help that are specific to a group of people. Women who find themselves in dire need would appreciate the bare essentials for themselves as they spend their time thinking and worrying about how to care for their children. They hardly ever think about their own needs. What if some of us decided that we would do something very special for women? What if we set a goal of say 100 pairs of socks, or 100 pairs of new underwear, or 100 pairs of shoes? What if we decided that this would be done before the holidays? What if we asked for money or the items? What if we did this? Oh my. I am getting excited just thinking about this. I think there are many women out there who are reading this who would join together to care for women who are challenged by life. Sometimes through no fault of their own. Yes, I think this will work. The idea is forming in my mind.
So, I am asking you-each of you who are reading this-to make this a reality for 100 women. Shall we start with 100 pairs of underwear? New. Shall we gather these garments and present them to a group that provides care for women who have been abused? Or are in safe houses? Are you beginning to think about the difference this would make?
My new mantra is "Share the Love." This mantra begins with a verb. An action verb. It tells me to do something loving. To show care to those who need a lift in this life. Love can be mushy. But, it can also be an act of kindness and care. That is the type of love I am speaking to you and me about.
While I can certainly do this myself, I would love to have others join me in providing for women who find themselves in need of the basics of life. Together we can make a difference. A real difference in the lives of others.
I am looking forward to hearing from many of you. Why wouldn't we want to do this? I can think of no good reason.
"Share the love."
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