Monday, March 30, 2015

The End Is Near

The End Is Near-

It is the day to pack.  Or rather throw everything into a suitcase.  Tomorrow we will board the silver bullet full of germs, coughs and sneezes.  We will take along hand sanitizer.  We will try to keep ourselves within the area of our chairs without bumping anyone's arm.  We will forgive the screaming child in front of us, and the one who constantly kicks our chair behind us.  Maybe we will sleep.  That helps pass the time.

What a wonderful time this has been.  Winter in the Pacific Northwest has been more like spring.  Warm temperatures and sunny skies most days.  Flowers bloomed early as did the flowering trees.  Leaves are now almost budding on trees and shrubs.  A perfect time.

We visited the coast numerous times.  The box we are shipping back weighs much more than it did on its trip out here.  That is because our search for agates at water's edge resulted in bags of beautiful objects.  All are going with us.  Reminders of all those times bent over searching among rocks and sand for the perfect treasure.

Making new friends was especially grand.  You know, the world is full of lovely people.  People who welcome the opportunity to chat over coffee.  People who offer help when it is needed without asking anything in return.  People who are kind and gracious.  Meeting new folks has enriched my life and provided lovely memories.

Plays, musicals and movies were part of this vacation.  We experienced such talent in local productions at one of our favorite theatres.  How delightful when people share their gifts of music and performance. A little culture is a mighty good thing.

Friends and family helped make this trip especially sweet.  We shared many of our favorite spots with a family who came to visit.  This was their first trip to the Pacific Northwest.  It won't be their last.  They shared their plans to return and search out new places and revisit the ones they loved.  Always fun to share something special with others.

We joined family on the coast for a couple of days.  What fun to make memories with them.  To have new adventures and revisit ones from past trips.

In an earlier blog I wrote that life can be divided into three areas.  I also wrote that this is not my thought.  I borrowed it from a book I read.  Can't remember the name of the book.  Anyway, the three areas are people, places and possessions.  People are first.  Places are second.  The best life would be if people and places were together.  However, often that is not the case.  If I could move the mountains, the coast, streams and trees to my home in the Midwest, life would be great.  Since that is not going to happen, it is necessary to visit the place that speaks to my soul as often as I can.  

Tomorrow we will pack the car, lock the door and drive to the airport.  This trip will be over.  But the wonderful memories will linger in my heart.  Did I say I am grateful for the opportunity to visit here?

After time away it will be good to see friends and family.  It will be good to sit down and catch up over lunch or coffee.  It will be good to share life again with so many I hold dear.  And then it will be time to move furniture around.  After all, it has been in the same place for months now.  It must be quite tired of its present location.  And life continues its rhythm.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Line from Cinderella

See the world not as it is but how it could be.   Don't you simply love that thought?  That sentence was spoken at the end of a movie I attended recently.  The movie was fun, but those words made me stop and reflect.  How do I see the world?  Do I see it as the news portrays it, or do I see the possibilities?  Do I believe that humanity has the ability to right wrongs?  Or do I believe that there is very little hope for positive change?

Some people would say that to see anything as it could be means we are wearing rose-colored glasses.  We are not living in the real world.  We are living in the land of make believe.  Those good folks mean well.  They are the realists.  They accept the world as they see it.  Full of good and not so good.  To them it would be unrealistic to assume that change might be just around the corner.  It is much simpler to accept what is. If something does change for the better, they are quick to appreciate it.  However, they don't expect that to happen.  They expect life to continue as it is.  Very predictable.  No surprises.  Nothing to upset their applecart.

If I am to believe what I see on the news or read in the daily paper, there is little hope for a brighter future for humanity.  It seems most people prefer to read about disasters.  How people hurt one another.  Governments that cannot  make good decisions for its citizens.  Wars.  Conflicts.  Displaced people.  Hunger.  The list is truly endless.  All of this begs the question-who can we believe?  Who is reporting all the facts?  How much is propaganda?  Who can we trust?  Those in power never actually answer questions. They talk around the question until we are exhausted with listening.  Listening to nothing.  Just a voice that goes on and on.  Believing if they talk long enough, that will be enough.

Of course, we have the option of not reading the papers or watching the evening news or the twenty-four hour news channels.  No one forces us to sit and read or watch.  We do that of our own free will.  When we do that without challenging what we read or see, we are giving over our power for investigation.  We are accepting what others want us to see and believe.  With such easy access to the internet, we have the ability to search out what others are telling us.  However, doing a search takes time and energy.  We have to know where to look.  What the key words are.  How to interpret what we read.  It is much easier to accept what is being reported, isn't it?

Would a newspaper that reported only the good that happens everyday sell?  Or would it go bankrupt?  Would people rush out to purchase a copy just to see what new and wonderful thing humanity has accomplished?  What about a television channel?  Would anyone watch a channel where people were celebrated for the positive ways they are impacting society?  Or would it air a couple of times and then be cancelled?  I think it would be worth a try.  At least people would have a choice.  Maybe a mixture of the good and the not so good would provide a much more balanced approach to life.  Giving hope that even amid challenges,  people are hopeful.

Hopeful.  Yes, people continue to hope for a better world for everyone.  People continue to hope that researchers will find a cure for all illness.  That solutions for peace will become the norm.  That negotations will enable the world to be free from nuclear war.  That understanding will replace hostility.   What a blessing to be hopeful.  To know that the power for change is more than a possibility.  It is real. People can take that which needs to change, and change it.  Time is on our side.  Hope is within us.

Seeing the world not as it is but as it can be provides the driving force to move forward.  To embrace life.  To reach beyond ourselves and toward others.  To refuse to accept that this is the best it can be.  To move outside the security of the box we constructed around ourselves into the bigger world where we might be hurt.  To learn to trust again. To see what must change and become the one who takes the lead.  To joyfully embrace this one shot we are given.

May those who dream continue to see how it can be.  And may they move us along with them to that dream that refuses to be squelched.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Light Givers

Light Givers--

I am sitting looking out the window at the lake.  The water is perfectly smooth-like the top of a glass table.  This morning the reflections of homes across the water are exact copies of the houses themselves.  Last evening those same homes were points of light both on land and on the water.  Such a difference light makes.

Yesterday it was rainy and very windy at the coast.  We went in search of agates.  Only a couple of other folks dared to brave the wind and rain to continue their search.  My guess is the winds were between 30-40 mph.  The tide was going out when we arrived.  Low tide is the time to search for treasure.  So even though one needed an anchor to hold oneself down on earth, we were there.  Bent over with heads down searching among rocks and sand for agates.  The sun did not push its way through the layers of clouds.  The rain did not stop.  And neither did we.  Thank goodness for rain jackets.

This morning nature is calm.  Almost peaceful.  However,  I fear she has other tricks up her sleeve.  After all, it is spring break for students and teachers.  It has to rain and turn cold.  That seems to be an unwritten rule.  How lovely if nature would change her mind and allow those shorts to come out of the closet.  Allow the sun to warm those white faces hidden in classrooms for months.  Allow freedom from sweatshirts and jackets.  It's a nasty joke really.

Even though the weather won't be perfect, people will flock to the coast to simply get away from everyday life.  It is refreshing to be in a different location for a little piece of time.  It fills the soul with joy.   Life has the way of removing all the light we have within us.  We work.  We take care of others.  We do all the things that make life function smoothly.  Those are good things.  But, they tie us to a place.  Freedom is what we must have.  Freedom to decide what to do on the new day.  Freedom to sleep a little later or rise early to watch the sun climb in the sky.  We need both.  The routine and the freedom.  They provide balance.  And we are refreshed and ready to move on with life after freedom has given her gift.

Back to light.  Morning brings light.  Lamps bring light.  Candles bring light.  Headlights give light to help us find our way.  The fact is light removes dark. Light floods every space it meets.  Light is essential to our health.  Both sunlight and that special light that fills our souls.  Inner light is similar to artificial light.  Inner light shines from a person who has joy.  Inner light comes from understanding that even though dark times will invade its space, light will overtake the dark.

I love that.  Light will overtake the dark.  In other words, I don't have to stay in a dark room.  I can hit the switch on the wall and eliminate the dark.  So can you. What about the absense of light we feel deep down in our being?  We have the ability to turn that darkness we feel into warm lovely light.  It may not be as simple as pushing a wall switch.  It may take a little doing, but we must not be held captive by darkness.  We are meant to be light givers.  Not light takers.  We give away our light when we encourage others.  When we refuse to be critical of behavior we don't fully understand.  When our own ideas cloud the truth.  When we believe we are right and others are wrong.  Light givers rejoice in others whether they are like us or not.  Light givers celebrate the remarkable gift of understanding.  In other words, it isn't all about them.  It is about bringing joy and peace and love and care into a world that needs all of that and more.  Our time is limited.  With this time we are given, perhaps we should view life, light and dark more seriously.  If we realize we are in the presence of light takers, perhaps we should find the strength to move away. To run as fast as we can in the other direction.  There are certainly light givers just waiting for our arrival.

I don't know if the clouds will remain today.  I don't know if the sun will break through the clouds and bring warmth to this piece of our earth.  What I do know is the sun is there.  She is willing to give her light without asking anything in return.  She can be counted on all the time.  She doesn't make judgments about whether this one should have her gift, but that one shouldn't.  What a tremendous truth we can learn from that.  If we are to be our best, we should be like her.  Giving our warmth to everyone. Not withholding because--you name the because.  

Life brings challenges.  Some take away our light for a little while.  What we learn from that is we don't have to remain in the darkness.  We can move towards those who get our goofy sense of humor.  Who might not agree with us, but who are never judgmental.  Who bring laughter into our space.  Who don't color our words with their favorite colors, but allow our colors to be our own.  Those are the light givers we all need.  Those who make our hearts smile when we hear their voice or receive an email or letter.

Today is a new opportunity to shed  joy and light in this world.  It really is easy.  A smile at a stranger.  A door opened for someone.  An email to a friend just to say hi.  A cup of coffee shared.  A tender heart.  Our gift of light has the power to lift another.  And we are lifted when we give.  It is always true.  The more we give ourselves away, the more blessed and happy we are.  Today I refuse to allow any darkness to invade my space.  It will be a glorious, light filled day-all day long!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Grateful For It All

Grateful For It All--

There are times in life that make one want to sing and dance for absolute joy.  Times that make one giggle, smile and even laugh out loud.  Times when the soul feels such joy it can hardly be contained within the body.  Times when peace floods the whole being.   That is a picture of my life during the recent past.

We have been in the Pacific Northwest for the past two months.  This area is known for rain especially during winter.  People go anyway.  They put on raincoats and brave the showers.  They know that this beautiful place must have lots of liquid sunshine to remain so lush.  So, they accept that for a few months rain will visit often.  This winter has been the exception.  This winter has been filled with sunshine, warm temperatures, and little rain.  That is not a particularly good thing for the area.  But, I am only one among many who have enjoyed it to the fullest.  From flowers to blossoming trees-it has been wonderful.

I have enjoyed quality time with people.  Some I have known for awhile.  Others who are new to my circle of friends.  Each has brought a new dimension to my life.  Each has given me the gift of their time.  We have talked over coffee, over lunch and over dinner.  We have visited about different cultures and different ways of believing.  We have discussed life and where it might take us.  And that sometimes things don't work out like we planned.  All of this is simply life happening.  When we open ourselves to listen and learn from others, we walk away with new understanding.  I am so grateful for each experience I have had during this two month stay.

Facebook opened the door for two of my students from this area to touch base after more years than I care to count.  I have enjoyed their friendship to the max.  One took us on a mountain hike. The other is taking me to dinner in Portland.  From each I learn much and see life from their point of view.  I am beyond blessed to share a small portion of time with them.

You know, in life you lose a few along the way.  That is also life happening.  Some stay for a little bit.  Some stay forever.  It is just the way it is.  We all have choice.  Occasionally someone moves that choice along, and we have to decide if it is ok with us.  Actually, it is probably a good thing as relationships can have not only a beginning but also an ending.  Endings can be the best thing.  Especially when nothing positive can be found.  Hanging on just to hang on is kinda goofy.

Soon we will board the plane that will carry us across this wonderful land back to our home.  I will experience a deep sense of loss.  There will be tears.  I will try to capture memories and hold them close.  And finally, I will let go and be home.  Home with friends and family that I love very much.  People who have been dear to me for many years.  While I won't be able to be at the coast in an hour or to the mountains in an hour, I will be among those I share relationship with.  Those who are special beyond words.

Would love to share more, but it is time to get dressed and make this day something to remember.  I hope that your day is precious, too.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

You Just Never Know

You Just Never Know--

The doorbell rang.  Shutting off the vaccuum, I walked to the door.

We have been visiting my favorite place for almost two months.  We have hiked mountain trails, beside the ocean waves, up small mountains.  We have seen movies and attended plays. We have spent time talking over a plate of cheese and salmon while enjoying a bottle of wine.  We have enjoyed clam chowder at our favorite restaurant sitting next to a window facing the Pacific Ocean.  This is the short list.

We drove hours to visit a new friend at the Kalama Indian Nation in Washington state.  We met Haver outside that favorite restaurant.  He and his friend were standing on the sidewalk talking.  Because of their long black braids I knew they were from some tribe or nation.  So, I asked.  From that short conversation came the opportunity to visit their reservation and learn about their culture.

We listened as the coffee shop owner shared her story with us.  It was a story of faith that she could achieve what her heart desired.  Amazing woman.  We listened as our friends shared their hopes and dreams.  I listened as my friend shared the challenges his mother is experiencing now that she is unable to care for herself.  This is also the short list.

We met Dave and his dog Annie in front of our condo.  Annie is a Portuguese Water Dog.  She is big and black and loves to greet people.  She was talking her owner, Dave, for a walk when we met them.  Dave, his wife and Annie are staying two doors down from us.  They are relocating to the Pacific Northwest from South Carolina.  Looking for a house.  Ready to purchase.  In a few minutes we learned much.

We learned they had looked at several homes but none fit their list of criteria.   As he talked, I ran down his list in my mind.  And an idea began to form.  Several years ago we owned a second home here in this city.  We sold it to a lovely couple.

Lynn, the new owner, and I became friends.  We have stayed in touch.   Lynn and her husband enjoy flipping homes.  They took our home, made it better and eventually sold it.  Recently we had visited via Facebook, and I knew they had almost completed the work on their new home.  Hence the idea of a home that might work for Dave, Sharon and Annie.  After visiting with Lynn, I gave her information to Dave.

 Opening the door, I was greeted by Annie who gave me numerous kisses.  She is such a lovable dog.  After she settled down, Dave told me they had seen the house.  He said they took a tape measure with them.  He said they spent three hours with Lynn and Charlie.  And then he said they bought the house.  It was perfect for them.  Their search for a home ended when they walked through Lynn's house. He was all smiles.  So was I.

What a trip this has been.  So many wonderful things have happened.  I think that happens when we open our hearts and lives to others.  When we think about what we are hearing and realize we can learn or help.  When we share ourselves with new folks.  These new experiences become part of us.  They remind us that we are all connected.  We are part of the whole.

Still smiling from ear to ear, I thanked Dave for sharing their good news with me.  In a month they will move into their lovely new home.  They will begin a new life adventure.  How exciting for them.

 Our time here is almost over.  Soon we will return to our home.  All that we experienced will reside in my memory bank.  From time to time I will make a withdrawal from that bank and relive a moment.  One very special moment will be the day I opened the door and greeted Dave and Annie.  Knowing I had a small part in helping a couple find their new home makes my heart smile.  Yes, it does.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hiking Up That Mountain

Hiking Up That Mountain--

We spent yesterday with Sunshine and Sparkle.  No, Sunshine and Sparkle are not pets.  They are humans.  Lovely, fun, energetic humans.

Our day began quite early.  Before the sun rose to brighten the dark sky.  Stars were still blinking their greeting when I stood by the sliding glass door gazing up into the darkness wondering what had possessed me to think getting up at this hour was a good idea.  Groggy, I made my way to the bathroom to determine just how much work I wanted to do to look presentable.  Gazing into the mirror the decision was made to do the least possible.  This day wasn't about my look.  It was about sharing life with friends.

The road trip took over three hours.  We watched the sun light the sky.  We knew this was going to be a great day not only because of the people we would see, but also because the forecast was for sun and warmth.  Those three things-sunshine, warmth and friends meant the day would be delightful.

After loading the car with water, we began the drive to the trail we would be walking.  We had such fun on the trip to the trailhead.  We shared stories about our lives and our dreams and hopes.  We listened to this delightful couple as they spoke about the next steps in their lives.  They are newlyweds. Both widowed at an early age.  Their journey towards one another is truly a God thing.  And now they are looking toward a new future.  As with all futures, there is uncertainty. But there is certainty in the fact that they will walk this journey together whatever it brings.  That speaks of deep love and hope.

Anyway--We arrived at the trail.  They were surprised at the number of cars in the small parking lot.  Seems like many people were taking advantage of the beautiful day to take this hike.  As we gathered water bottles from the car, I looked up.  Oh my.  This was going to present a challenge to this woman.  I saw that it was going up--not out.  Not down a gentle path beside a stream.  Not relaxing.  Challenging.  To be fair, Sunshine had given me several options.  I had made the decision to choose this one.  What was I thinking??

And so we started the ascent.  At first it was fairly easy.  We would stop every now and then to gaze out at the scene below.  Or identify a wildflower.  It was going well.  I was not near death at that point. That would change in only a few short minutes.

The further up we went, the steeper the trail became.  It became necessary for one of us to stop now and then and use the excuse of enjoying the view simply to gain strength to put one foot in front of the other.  Those stops became more frequent and the steps between  the stops were getting less and less.

Some intelligent person had placed a bench along the trail.  It looked out over the valley and the mountains in the distance.  It was almost breathtaking.  It would have been totally breathtaking had my breath not already been taken away!  We sat on the bench, looked out over the beauty that presented itself and visited.  We stayed quite awhile on that bench sharing stories and life challenges.  You know, that is the stuff of life.  Listening and sharing.  Conversing about our hopes, dreams, disappointments.  I  knew this moment in time would end, and these legs would soon be struggling to make it to the top.

Eventually, we started the climb again.  I don't know how long it took us to reach the top.  I only know that I thought about calling for a helicopter to come get me.  But, they would not have been able to find me on that trail. Nor could they have lowered a basket for me.  Too many trees and brush. I couldn't roll back down the trail as the trail was full of rocks.  Were there any other options?  None I could think of. The only thing I could do was take a few steps, stop, rest, and take those steps again.  The group was kind and gracious.  They didn't complain about the one who was causing the delay.  I wanted to visit more as we made the upward climb, but I needed all my breath.  OK.  Maybe I am exaggerating a bit.  But, only a bit.  It was a challenge for me.  Was it worth it?  You bet.

This hike is called Table Rock.  There is a reason for that.  The top is flat just like a table.  You can walk around the top and observe the valley below.  Far, far below.  Scattered among the many rocks that dot the landscape and cause a person to trip often are many wildflowers.  Yellows, purples, reds, whites.  It is an amazing place.  Nature putting on a show. Asking us to walk with her.  To take time to gaze and reflect.  To understand the majesty of this wonderful planet.  To be grateful that someone had the foresight to make this place available to any who would make the hike up.  A gift.

A man was taking photographs.  We had seen him on the trip up.  I decided it would be a good thing to visit with him.  Leaving my fellow hikers, I made my way to him.  He shared that he and his wife moved out here to a small town on the coast because of her job.  He said he enjoys taking nature pictures.  For himself. He had quite a nice camera for those close-up shots.  Long story short, I asked him if he ever allowed someone to borrow a picture or two.  He said sure. I explained that I am always searching for pictures for my books.  He said he would be happy to allow me to use some of his.  We shook hands, and I returned to my group.  A new person in life.

We started down.  Walking down a steep incline presents a different challenge.  Have to use those brakes most of the way.  But, much easier.  No need to stop and gaze into the distance.  No need to grab a tree and gasp for breath.  This time it was smooth sailing.

We shared lunch and then began the three plus hours back to our home base.  There are all kinds of tired.  This was one of those good tireds.  We had spent a portion of the day in the company of people I truly love.  We had made memories.  I hope we have the opportunity to visit again.  However, I think walking beside a stream watching salmon make their way upstream would be perfect.  Perhaps sitting in a lawn chair with a drink.  Enjoying time with Sunshine and Sparkle.

I think the thing to take away from this is nothing is ever wasted.  All experiences move us to new places on our journey.  Sure, some are too challenging.  Some are painful.  Only once for some challenges, please.  But, they all shape us. Every experience moves us to new understandings.  To new insights.  Would I hike up that mountain again?  No.  But because I did, I saw life at the top.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hidden Treasure

Hidden Treasure-

It was an ordinary morning.  We were headed for the coast but had to make a stop at the grocery store.  I needed to replace my Nexium and purchase my morning drink from Starbucks.  This ordinary morning was about to be anything but.

I ordered my drink and went in search of my medicine. Found it toward the back of the store.  Selected a box with the most pills and headed back to pay for my purchases.  The barista at Starbucks had my drink ready.  With purchases in hand, I joined my husband for a trip to the coast.

Weather reports indicated that the coast was going to be sunny and warm.  We love  taking long walks beside the incoming tide.  So peaceful and restful.  Gives the mind time to unwind from all that clutters it.

I was the driver so I handed my med to my husband to open and dispense.  Imagine my surprise when he laughed out loud.  When he opened the box of Nexium, laying on top of the bottles was a $100 bill. He said it was probably fake.  But as he examined it closer, he felt sure it was real.  We put it in the tray between the seats and continued on our journey.  However, the question remained.  Was it real?

We had lunch at our favorite restaurant and then took a five mile hike along the coast.  It was beyond beautiful.  It was perfect.  Before we started our journey back to our vacation condo, we visited several other beaches just enjoying the views.

Today I revisited the grocery store and asked the clerk to check the bill.  I wanted to make sure it was real.  Yep!  It is the real deal.  She said I had received the bill from "Benny."  I asked who Benny is, and she told me this story.

A couple of years ago $100 bills began appearing in grocery items quite randomly.  People would make a purchase and find the bill either inside a box or tucked into produce.  No one knew when this magic would happened.  Nor did they know who or where.  He became known as Benny because he always signed that name somewhere on the bill.  When I told her where I found the money, her response was I had received a Benny. He has become famous for his act of generosity.  And I found one of his gifts in my Nexium box.

Imagine the fun he has deciding where to hide his gifts.  He must be so full of glee that he can hardly contain himself.  To know that he can pull this off amid all the activity and people in grocery stores.  Quite the feat.  Bet his smile is as wide as an ocean-inside.  He would look too guilty if he gave his goodness away with a smile!

As you can see, an ordinary day became quite extraordinary with a simple purchase.  Just like all the rest who have received his generous gift, I would love to thank him. But, I have a suspicion he doesn't want to be thanked.  He simply wants to brighten the day of the one who finds his hidden treasure.