Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hiking Up That Mountain

Hiking Up That Mountain--

We spent yesterday with Sunshine and Sparkle.  No, Sunshine and Sparkle are not pets.  They are humans.  Lovely, fun, energetic humans.

Our day began quite early.  Before the sun rose to brighten the dark sky.  Stars were still blinking their greeting when I stood by the sliding glass door gazing up into the darkness wondering what had possessed me to think getting up at this hour was a good idea.  Groggy, I made my way to the bathroom to determine just how much work I wanted to do to look presentable.  Gazing into the mirror the decision was made to do the least possible.  This day wasn't about my look.  It was about sharing life with friends.

The road trip took over three hours.  We watched the sun light the sky.  We knew this was going to be a great day not only because of the people we would see, but also because the forecast was for sun and warmth.  Those three things-sunshine, warmth and friends meant the day would be delightful.

After loading the car with water, we began the drive to the trail we would be walking.  We had such fun on the trip to the trailhead.  We shared stories about our lives and our dreams and hopes.  We listened to this delightful couple as they spoke about the next steps in their lives.  They are newlyweds. Both widowed at an early age.  Their journey towards one another is truly a God thing.  And now they are looking toward a new future.  As with all futures, there is uncertainty. But there is certainty in the fact that they will walk this journey together whatever it brings.  That speaks of deep love and hope.

Anyway--We arrived at the trail.  They were surprised at the number of cars in the small parking lot.  Seems like many people were taking advantage of the beautiful day to take this hike.  As we gathered water bottles from the car, I looked up.  Oh my.  This was going to present a challenge to this woman.  I saw that it was going up--not out.  Not down a gentle path beside a stream.  Not relaxing.  Challenging.  To be fair, Sunshine had given me several options.  I had made the decision to choose this one.  What was I thinking??

And so we started the ascent.  At first it was fairly easy.  We would stop every now and then to gaze out at the scene below.  Or identify a wildflower.  It was going well.  I was not near death at that point. That would change in only a few short minutes.

The further up we went, the steeper the trail became.  It became necessary for one of us to stop now and then and use the excuse of enjoying the view simply to gain strength to put one foot in front of the other.  Those stops became more frequent and the steps between  the stops were getting less and less.

Some intelligent person had placed a bench along the trail.  It looked out over the valley and the mountains in the distance.  It was almost breathtaking.  It would have been totally breathtaking had my breath not already been taken away!  We sat on the bench, looked out over the beauty that presented itself and visited.  We stayed quite awhile on that bench sharing stories and life challenges.  You know, that is the stuff of life.  Listening and sharing.  Conversing about our hopes, dreams, disappointments.  I  knew this moment in time would end, and these legs would soon be struggling to make it to the top.

Eventually, we started the climb again.  I don't know how long it took us to reach the top.  I only know that I thought about calling for a helicopter to come get me.  But, they would not have been able to find me on that trail. Nor could they have lowered a basket for me.  Too many trees and brush. I couldn't roll back down the trail as the trail was full of rocks.  Were there any other options?  None I could think of. The only thing I could do was take a few steps, stop, rest, and take those steps again.  The group was kind and gracious.  They didn't complain about the one who was causing the delay.  I wanted to visit more as we made the upward climb, but I needed all my breath.  OK.  Maybe I am exaggerating a bit.  But, only a bit.  It was a challenge for me.  Was it worth it?  You bet.

This hike is called Table Rock.  There is a reason for that.  The top is flat just like a table.  You can walk around the top and observe the valley below.  Far, far below.  Scattered among the many rocks that dot the landscape and cause a person to trip often are many wildflowers.  Yellows, purples, reds, whites.  It is an amazing place.  Nature putting on a show. Asking us to walk with her.  To take time to gaze and reflect.  To understand the majesty of this wonderful planet.  To be grateful that someone had the foresight to make this place available to any who would make the hike up.  A gift.

A man was taking photographs.  We had seen him on the trip up.  I decided it would be a good thing to visit with him.  Leaving my fellow hikers, I made my way to him.  He shared that he and his wife moved out here to a small town on the coast because of her job.  He said he enjoys taking nature pictures.  For himself. He had quite a nice camera for those close-up shots.  Long story short, I asked him if he ever allowed someone to borrow a picture or two.  He said sure. I explained that I am always searching for pictures for my books.  He said he would be happy to allow me to use some of his.  We shook hands, and I returned to my group.  A new person in life.

We started down.  Walking down a steep incline presents a different challenge.  Have to use those brakes most of the way.  But, much easier.  No need to stop and gaze into the distance.  No need to grab a tree and gasp for breath.  This time it was smooth sailing.

We shared lunch and then began the three plus hours back to our home base.  There are all kinds of tired.  This was one of those good tireds.  We had spent a portion of the day in the company of people I truly love.  We had made memories.  I hope we have the opportunity to visit again.  However, I think walking beside a stream watching salmon make their way upstream would be perfect.  Perhaps sitting in a lawn chair with a drink.  Enjoying time with Sunshine and Sparkle.

I think the thing to take away from this is nothing is ever wasted.  All experiences move us to new places on our journey.  Sure, some are too challenging.  Some are painful.  Only once for some challenges, please.  But, they all shape us. Every experience moves us to new understandings.  To new insights.  Would I hike up that mountain again?  No.  But because I did, I saw life at the top.