Friday, June 28, 2013

Correct Coffee Shop Attire

Correct Coffee Shop Attire--

For years I have been visiting coffee shops.  Love the atmosphere.  Love the coffee.  Everyone is friendly, and the mood is congenial.  Usually there is a selection of food items, tea and coffee.  Magazines on a rack for enjoyment.  Many tables and chairs where people can pass time visiting, talking and reading.   In one particular coffee shop I watched a man tutor a child in the art of chess.  Connections are made between employer and possible employee.  Coffee shops are the place to be for just about everything.

When I visit my favorite coffee shop, I usually take along a book that I am reading and a notebook for jotting down ideas for writing.  However, I don't feel I really belong.  You see, there is a particular look that is required for truly belonging in a coffee shop.  Figured it out yet?

I observe most people bent over watching the screen while their fingers are busy poking those keys to make words.  Yes, the computer is required gear for a coffee shop.  Today I feel like I am among the  in-group because I have the computer setting in front of me, and  my fingers are dancing across the keys.  It really doesn't matter what I am doing.  This silver magic box means I belong in this shop at this table.  I feel included.   I am among those who conduct important business while sitting having coffee.  Well, that might not be the truth exactly.  More often than not, I am reading my emails and checking my bank balance.  But I belong--yes, I do.

I remember how it felt when I didn't know how to get connected to the internet at coffee shops.  Sometimes I would ask for help.  Not being computer literate, the directions would usually fly right through one ear and out the other.  I tried to look like I understood.  Don't think I fooled anyone.  You could almost see the sympathy in their eyes.  One person even came over to me and asked if he could help.  You simply have to swallow your pride and be grateful for the kindness of strangers.  Now, I am very proud to say, I am able to connect to the internet just about anywhere.  What a delicious feeling.

Yes, this little silver tablet is my friend.  It goes with me almost everywhere.  It travels well.  And it keeps me in the loop.  Who could want more??

Happy computing!

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