Saturday, June 22, 2013

Peaches--Like Us?

Peaches--Like Us?

Peach time is almost here.  Peaches are my absolute favorite fruit.  I love everything about them.  The colors, the texture, the feel, the smell and, of course, the taste.  Filling the freezer with peach jam is a favorite activity around this house.  Nothing is better than frozen peach jam on a hot biscuit or toast.  Especially in winter.

My one regret about peaches is the season is so short and can be thwarted by frost in spring.  Once the blossoms cover the trees, everyone watches the weather report praying that the temperature remains above freezing.  There isn't much one can do should a frost threaten.  If everything in nature goes well, the fruit ripens.  It is glorious.  What fun to visit a peach orchard and pick your own.

Now, there is one thing that everyone learns about peaches.  It can cause a bit of saddness.  Those peaches ripen quickly.  Once they are off the tree and in a bowl on the counter, that chemistry thing begins to happen.  They look so pretty on the side that is turned out.  However, on the underside of the peaches, the darkness, change is happening.  Where they touch one another, a small spot begins to form.  If left alone and not eaten on cereal or with milk, that spot will spread to other peaches.  And then when we decide to enjoy one, we discover only half is good.  The other half is rotten.  We only make that mistake once.  The lesson is learned.  We need to keep the peaches separated from one another.

There might be a life application here.  Work with me as I try to explain.

We begin life with the promise of greatness.  Greatness has many definitions.  We all won't be President, but we all can do the right things to support our families and those around us.  We all can take note of situations where we can offer help and change life for others.  We all have within us the power and wonder to make a true difference in this wonderful world.  However, we also have the ability to be influenced by others.  Even though we know the path we should travel, it is easy to be sucked into the world of another.  Maybe it looks more glamorous.  Perhaps there is a hole in our hearts, and someone else happens along and takes us on a journey that seems good.  We almost always know the journeys that are right for us, don't we?  But, we have choice.  We make decisions everyday about the direction of our lives.  I think that is a very good thing.  Choice.  We will absolutely not make all the right decisions in our lives.  We are human.  If we think we are always right and that our way is always best, we are only fooling ourselves.  Everyone who knows us knows the truth that we cannot see.

So, all of that to say this.  The influence of those in our circle is great.  We influence others as well.  We  "touch" one another.  Maybe not physically but certainly in other ways.  I think about young people who are so easily influenced to try drugs or alcohol or sex.  Those things that will certainly take them down a different path from what might be best.  It looks so good and such fun on the outside, but it has a dark side.  That dark side has the power to change us forever.   Does the dark side make us rotten?  No, I don't think so.  But it does tend to spread over us.  Overtake our ability to make the best choices.  Sidetrack our lives.  Cause hurt to those who love us most.  Living with a dark side happens to adults as well.

Like peaches, maybe we should examine who and what we are "against" during our days on this earth. Our decisions must be made thoughtfully and carefully.  Please understand that I am not saying we develop a "I am better than you because I make better decisions" attitude.  We must not stand in judgement over others.  But, we do have that thing called choice.  We can remain true to ourselves and still care for others.  And sometimes our own attitudes can use an adjustment.  Much harder to see ourselves honestly than to "see" someone else.

Even though peaches are so easily influenced by those in the basket with them, I love them to pieces!

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