Friday, June 7, 2013

Thoughts--The Big Dipper

Thoughts--The Big Dipper

Morning arrives, and the race is on.   Get dressed, have a little something to eat, make that all important list of activities to be accomplished, answer a few emails, send a few texts, visit with a friend on the cell,  run errands.  Maybe find a few minutes for a cup of coffee or a coke.  Days are full.  There are only so many hours of sunlight.  Get to it!

Then night arrives.  All the hustle and bustle of the day slows to a snail's pace.  The world is much quieter.  A calm eventually settles over our space.  The mind and body remind us that it  is time to refresh.  Time to get that much needed sleep that will prepare us for the next day when morning arrives.

Recently I was outside late at night enjoying the peace and calm.  No pesky insects because it was a lovely cool evening.  The stars were so brilliant.  I felt I could almost gather them into my hands.  The perfect moment.  Presenting itself for observation was the Big Dipper.  Isn't it an amazing sight in the night sky?

While I was enjoying the view, thoughts came crashing into my head.  Now--I did not intend for that to happen.  I only wanted to be quiet.  But, the thoughts would not be denied.  Isn't it strange how thoughts come at the most inopportune  times?  Like when we think we are asleep or driving down the road.  Or when we are trying to simply enjoy the moment.

The Big Dipper is tipped toward earth.  I thought about what the world would be like if inside the Dipper were things like kindness, love, peace, gentleness, graciousness, forgiveness.  Since the Dipper is visible all over the earth, what if kindness poured from it on all the people of the earth.  What if peace gently floated down upon us all.  What if forgiveness came to rest on all earth people.  What if love replaced fear.  What if each month the Big Dipper gave us just what we earth people need to live in peace on this wonderful planet.  Twelve months of positive to replace the negative we so often live with.   It might look like silvery threads falling from the heavens to the earth. Shimmering in a very excited manner knowing it was bringing only good to everyone.  No one left out.  Everyone included in the wonderful gifts that make us all so much better at being human.

On any given day I would certainly welcome a little more kindness in my life.  A more gracious spirit.  Maybe if I believe strongly enough, it will actually happen--the Big Dipper will truly send those qualities I need into my life.  How magnificent.  Perhaps I will stand outside under the Dipper with arms outstretched anticipating whatever is offered knowing that whatever comes will make me a better person.  I love that thought.

When you have a moment, look up into the night sky.  You maybe inspired to think new thoughts that could change you and the world around you.  Perhaps it has been too long since you took the time to appreciate the beauty of the night.  There is magic in the night.  I hope you feel it, too.

Happy Gazing!

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