Busy to Quiet--
Yesterday was such a productive day. I attended a meeting and learned about a mission in Kentucky that is enabling children to go to school, that is providing health care, that is giving information and support to young moms. This is a very small list of the ways this mission is supporting people who need help. During the dvd I had to choke back tears. Why was I so touched by that fim? Maybe it is because I have been to that area on mission trips. I have seen firsthand how desperate the need is. Yet, even though the need for education, health care, housing, jobs is great, the people are the most gracious I have encountered on my life journey.
Perhaps I was remembering the people who touched my life while I was helping with a roof. Or maybe I was thinking about the family who sold their hope chest to provide soda for the teens who were working on their house. It could be that I was remembering the sweet faces of those people who accepted our help and welcomed us into their space. Or maybe it was the family that provided the most delicious meal to my crew straight from their garden. Such sweet memories. Was the emotional tug a reminder that I can help again?
Following the meeting I met with a woman who turned over some books to me. She spent time explaining procedures to me. She walked me through the process I will use. I was very grateful. I had no idea it was this involved. But, it will be good for me to learn a new skill. She was very patient and did a fine job of instructing me. I am sure we will visit many times in the future. I already have tons of questions!
Then I met a friend for coffee. What a joy she is. She is experiencing a few health challenges and trying to hook up with the best doctor to help her. She will do that. She is intelligent and determined. Another part of that visit was seeing her art studio. She is an accomplished artist. It was fun to see the place where creation happens. I told her that I must have been in the bathroom when the gift of art was passed out! She said I have other gifts. I suppose that is so, but they are not what I would have wanted. Should have stayed in line! However, we must never compare ourselves with others. We always come out on the short end of the stick!
After our time together, I visited a second hand store. I need a table for the end of my sofa. As I wandered through the store, I saw a few tables that might work. But there was a problem. I needed to know how tall, how deep and how wide the space is. Did I come prepared with those dimensions? That would have been way too easy. All my organized friends would have been prepared. Even when I do try to be like them, I fail. Some of us simply are scattered. On the next trip I will have all the information ready--and maybe even a tape measure. Ya think?
Today arrived. I have done nothing. When I say nothing, that is exactly what I mean. Nothing. Didn't wash dishes or clothes. Didn't sweep a floor. Didn't dust any furniture. Didn't fold any clothes. Didn't talk to anyone. Didn't do one thing. My husband told me I don't have to do something profound every day. He said to enjoy the rest. But, I feel like a day has been wasted if I don't put at least 50 miles on my car. However, the day isn't over. There is still time to get dressed and hit the road.
To be creative in any medium sometimes requires down time. People often ask me about my next book. Will it be ready for purchase soon? My goal is to finish it within the next month. I am so appreciative of those folks who ask. They keep me writing. The thing is this. I cannot force the thoughts to come. There are times when I sit and stare at the computer keyboard and nothing moves from the head to my fingers. Those are frustrating times. Yet, they are part of the process. What doesn't happen one day, often happens the next. So I use the down time to allow my thoughts to wander around in my head. I spend time thinking and observing and simply being.
While yesterday was full, today has been quiet. It is part of the rhythm of life. However, I feel a tug to get up and out. The need for speed is rushing through my veins. My heart is beginning to beat a little faster. Yep--it is time to start the day. Even if it is getting dark outside.
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