Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Seeing Value in All

Seeing Value in All--

I want to share something I recently read.  It made a huge impact on me.  Perhaps it will cause you to rethink, also.

"Jesus saw value where others saw only flaws."  This is a quote from the book Why Did Jesus, Moses,
the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? written by Brian D. McLaren.  This quote speaks to my heart in a profound way.

Times were hard for most people in his day.  Poverty was everywhere.  The rich and powerful showed no concern for the ordinary people who were simply trying to make a living and a life with what little they had.  In some ways it is a mirror of today.  People without a job worry about how they will meet the needs of their families.  Government programs designed to aid those with the most need disappear.  What are people to do?

Requests for donations at food pantries are at an all time high.  More and more folks find themselves in lines for meals--grateful that there are caring people to help them.  Clothing distribution centers provide free clothing for all ages.  During the holiday season organizations and churches run gloves, hat and scarf drives so that everyone is protected from the cold.  And on and on it goes.  Good people aware of the needs of others and grateful for the opportunity to help.

Modeling my life after the life of Jesus means I will see value in all people.  That means everyone.  No one left out.  No doubt he was aware of human flaws.  Yet, his ministry was about raising people up.  He spoke to everyone.  He ate with everyone.  He talked with everyone.  He walked with anyone who wanted to join him.  He wept over the sorrow of others.  He loved.  And he was an enemy of the government because of his charitable life.  Isn't that sad?

Taking a stand for others who need help may bring criticism.  Maybe others won't understand.  Honestly, that really doesn't matter at all.  What matters is that we are willing to take the first step in making sure others are treated as people with value.   Being poor or needy doesn't mean people are lazy or want a hand out.  Yes, I am sure there are those who fall into that category.  But, I believe most people desire to take care of themselves.  They simply need a hand up from those of us who have it to give.  A hand up!  That makes my heart sing.  It isn't about us.  It is about watching another human regain their pride and belief in themselves.  What better act of charity is there?

It may not always be easy to see value in another.  But, it is the way to the greatest peace we will know.  It is the way Jesus lived his life.  It is the way I want to live mine.

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