A Change is Coming--
It's that time again. Even though I try to ignore it, that time has slowly rolled around. I have waited and waited thinking it might take care of itself. But, no. I must deal with it this time around.
Dealing with this is not going to be easy. It will demand my total attention. It will require discipline. My dad used that word on me all the time. I was always going to receive a healthy dose of discipline!:) This time around I have to do it all by myself with no threats to my person.
Life as I now know it will disappear. Painful. But necessary. Sometimes one simply has to do the difficult thing. Kind meaning folks try to be encouraging and helpful when life changes. I appreciate the encouragement. But, I know that this is a walk I must walk all by myself. It would be wonderful to have a companion accompany me, but it is simply not possible. This battle belongs to me.
Somewhere down the line I will look back and celebrate. All the difficult times will be history. There will be rejoicing in the camp.
I am going on a diet.
Now, going on a diet is not earth shattering. Dropping extra pounds does not change the world. Wait a minute. Maybe it doesn't change the big world, but it has the power to change the small world I inhabit. It has the power to change my attitude about myself. And that is earth shattring to me.
Anything that moves me to a better place is a positive. I can use all the positives I can find. Can't you? Is there something you are struggling with that you can change? Why is change so difficult? Could it be that the struggle to decide is our largest obstacle? Why is making a decision for our good so hard?
I wish I had all the answers to these questions. If I had those answers, I would share them with the world. But, the truth is we can only handle one obstacle at a time. So, my challenge is gaining better control over my food choices. Exercise might be a good idea, also.
So, let's begin again. Let's decide to work on one thing that we can change. Let's celebrate the fact that we have made a decision. And let's look toward being our best selves.
With wishes for all of us!
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