Real Friends--
A post on facebook said this:
You don't lose friends because real friends can never be lost. You lose people masquerading as friends, and you're better for it.
Wow! For those of us who have felt the sting of "lost friendships," this is so encouraging. I suppose everyone has experienced the questioning that occurs when a friend walks away. Others probably feel the same when we put distance between us and them. Yes, it is not easy to work through the hole that is created when life challenges us.
It is another reminder that things change. People change. The glue that held relationships together sometimes lets go. Over time I have learned that that is not a bad thing at all. Holding on to a worn-out relationship brings stress. We struggle to find things to talk about. Those activities we enjoyed once upon a time no longer seem like such fun. When that happens, we know it is time to let go.
But, that is so difficult, isn't it? We remember such lovely times shared. We care deeply for this person who once laughed and cried with us. We feel such a sense of loss. Who will fill that void? Maybe we ask ourselves if we gave enough of ourselves, or if we gave too much. We wonder if our friend no longer finds us fun. There is a grieving period. It must not last long.
The world is full to overflowing with wonderful people we have never met. It could be possible that because we invested so much in one person, we failed to see the other neat people who enter our lives. Now, that is not a good thing at all. Each new person we meet brings a new dimension to us. And we offer the same to them. Expanding our circle is never a bad thing. No, it is not. Expanding our circle means we want to grow. We want to learn. We want to laugh and play.
If a person masquerading as a friend walks in a new direction, rejoice! For both of you. Be open to new people. Remember the good times shared, but cry no more tears. Who knows who will walk into your life. Who knows what fun is out there waiting for you to see it.
I really like the quote. Real friends can never be lost. They can take a little vacation, but when they return, it is as if they never left. Real friends stay. Through it all.
Loved your text Sondra! Keep up with the great work! :)