Friday, August 30, 2013

Is Your Life a Color?

Is Your Life a Color?

On this day of your life, think about what your life means.  If you could stand outside yourself and observe, what would you see?  What would I see?

Would you see a color?  What color best represents you?  Blue?  Green?  Orange?  Brown?  Pink? Yellow? Black?  Purple? Red?

Green could represent growth.  Just as nature proudly wears varying shades of green, would you see growth in multiple areas of your life?  Would you be a green vine that sends itself over the garden bringing life to even the darkest corners?  Green is a basic color in nature.  We look for that color to appear in early spring after a long dull winter.  It signals a change.  Lots to think about if you see yourself as the color green.

What about blue?  Is your life centered in tranquility?  Does peace flow from you?  Does that peace embrace others who come into your space?  Is there a calm about you that draws others?  Blue speaks of water and sky.  The high and low of life.  While one shade of blue might signal darkness in life, another lighter shade might represent an uplifted spirit.  Blue is with us year round.

Then there is that happy color yellow.  Children draw the sun as a yellow orb in the corner of a piece of paper.  It radiates warmth and light to the world.  We see yellow in plants and flowers.  It is a color often used to bring a gentle glow to a room.  Many people paint rooms in houses with differing shades of yellow.  It is my favorite color.

Pink is a color many young girls love.  It is a young color.  Often young girls want everything pink--walls, clothes, lamps, headbands, shoes, sheets, chairs.  The list is very long.  Pink is a soft color.  I understand why it appeals to youth.  Manufacturers of kid's items know this, too.  Make it pink, and it will fly off the shelves.

Going through the list of colors would take more time than I have left on this earth!!:)  But, it might be a cool exercise for each of us to think of a color or colors that best represent us and try to understand why that is so.  Already I am seeing people I know as colors.  Strong and happy colors.  Certainly, pain and sorrow invade our lives and change our color.  Working through challenges might bring shades of gray and brown into our space.  But, despite our challenges, who we are will come through.

Standing outside ourselves is difficult if not next to impossible.  It is hard to be objective about our own lives.  If we can manage to do this for only a moment,  it is possible that we might observe colors we are proud to represent.  We might also see colors that we would like to tone a bit.  Maybe red to a gentle pink.  Perhaps bright yellow to a creamy butter.  Brown to tan.  I think you get what I am saying.

When I select a paint color for a room, I usually select several grades of the color.  Then I take a small amount home and paint either a square on a wall or on a board.  I want to see how it looks when light hits it.  Does it change too much when a lamp is turned on in the evening?  Color is very important.
It sets the stage for everything else that will find a home in a room.

Does my color set the stage for others?  Good grief--I hope not, but I fear that is the case.  So, I think I might give a little thought to this whole idea of color.  If you could visit my gardens, you would find all colors living together.  Yellow against pinks.  Oranges beside purples.  Greens everywhere.  While I enjoy visiting gardens that segregate like colors, my gardens will always be a riot of colors, textures and shapes.

And that is how I see people in this world.  We are all shades of many colors.  Yet, we fit together perfectly in the garden of life.  All the colors have value.  All the colors bring a richness to this earth that one single color could not accomplish.  Isn't that amazing?

All this talk about colors and gardens remind me that it is time to tend to my gardens.  Time to give them a drink before the heat of the day arrives.  Thank you for allowing me to invade your space with some thoughts about color!

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