Going the Extra Mile--
I read something on the internet that has real merit. Let me share.
Go the extra mile. It's never crowded.
Oh my. Isn't that beautiful? What truth is contained in those simple words. Short sentences often make the most impact. Those two certainly do.
Many people go the extra mile. Many volunteer and perform valuable services for the good of others. Some of those services involve volunteering at schools, hospitals, nursing homes. When the holidays come around, some collect money for toys and food. The list of ways people go the extra mile is almost endless. Isn't that wonderful?
The second sentence says so much. That extra mile is never crowded. To me it says that often we will do the easy part of the mile. Maybe the first quarter of it. We might ever struggle with half- way through. By the time we get to the half- way point, we are tired. We probably remember that we have done more than many others. Besides, there are others who have already passed us on the way. They have more time, more money, more energy. So about half- way through, we change directions. Is this a bad thing? No, not at all.
Each of us doing what we can do makes a big difference in this world. It takes all of us doing whatever part we can to make things better for others. Sometimes I go the quarter mile. Sometimes I go a little further. And there are times when I don't get on the track at all. Sometimes I encourage others who are running. There is no way I can help with everything. I get to make the decision about what is right for me. When everyone does this, the most good is accomplished.
Going the extra mile can mean many things. It might mean we listen to a friend who needs to be heard. It might mean we take a batch of cookies to someone who is sick. Or we might send a card letting another one know they are thought of. Honestly, the list is never ending. The thing is you and I know who needs these things from us. It is up to us to move when we know. It is up to us to leave the crowd behind and be the one someone needs.
Just a little something to think about.
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