Who Would Have Thought..
Thought you might enjoy how an intelligent woman lives....
My husband does the grocery shopping. He takes his time reading labels and comparing prices. He knows we save money if he does that task. And, he doesn't mind. That is amazing to me.
On a recent grocery run he purchased a new dishwasher soap. We have used the same brand of powder detergent for a long time. When I opened the cabinet door and saw a different product, I assumed he had studied the differences in the products and purchased the one he deemed better.
The new detergent was a capsule wrapped in paper. How clever, I thought. No detergent would be spilled when I filled the small compartment in the dishwasher door. After I finished loading the dishwasher, I took one of the capsules and placed it in the proper place, hit the wash button and closed the door. The quiet hum of the motor told me I would soon have super clean dishes.
My husband was the one who emptied the dishwasher. I was working on my computer when he walked into my office holding the dishwashing capsule. He was smiling. That smile told me I had done something goofy. Cannot bring myself to say "stupid." He said we would get lots of washes out of that one capsule. And then he said the paper covering had to be removed prior to putting it in the washer. He was laughing when he left the room. First, I heard scissors busy cutting paper. Then I heard the dishwasher door open. I heard a clunk as he placed the small square in the proper place. Finally, the door closed. The motor began to run. And this time soap was dispensed. I think the company who makes the small squares of soap should give that paper covering the ability to dissolve when hot water hits it!
Do you suppose the soap came with instructions? Everytime I load the dishwasher, I smile. And then I take the scissors and cut the paper.
This silly event is one piece of my story. It is not life changing or deep. It won't impact anyone's decisions. But, it is one item on a long list of funny events in my life. I am grateful for silly things that happen. They remove stress and cause laughter. Who doesn't need laughter? At our house we don't have to wait long for the next happening--usually at my expense.
Beware of new inventions, my friends!
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