Saturday, February 15, 2014

Roadside Trash--Why?

Roadside Trash--Why?

Years ago roadsides were so clean.   Nature had full reign over shoulders and ditches that ran along the pavement.  Wildflowers, grasses, weeds all grew in perfect harmony.  The colors ranged from beautiful sky blues to rich greens.  A few browns were thrown into the mix.  Textures were everywhere.  Any drive provided such a delightful sight.

My, how times have changed.  Now mixed in with the natural vegetation are bottles, cans, wrappers, sacks.  What was once so clean and beautiful is often littered with the garbage of people.  What happened to the pride we once had in our country? In ourselves?  What does this new practice say about us as a nation?

It is not unusual to see signs along roadways with the name of an organization responsible for cleaning up trash thrown out of car windows.  Adults cleaning up after adults.  Something seems so wrong with this picture.  We know we need to clean up after small children.  And we work to teach them to clean up after themselves.  So, what happened?

How difficult would it be to place a small bag inside a vehicle for the express purpose of providing a place for garbage?  Once the trip ended, it would be a simple task to take the bag and dispose of it in a proper place.  Maybe the garbage can in the garage?  Or if that is too difficult, in a garbage receptacle provided by many fast food chains.

Now, this maybe stretching it a bit, but do you suppose we see ourselves as no more significant than the garbage that is casually pitched out the car window?  I am trying desperately to understand why this happens.  No doubt there are simple reasons.  I suppose one would be the food is eaten.  Pitch the paper out.  But, that makes no sense to me.  Maybe it is a generational thing.  Do you suppose?

Whatever the reason, it is a terrible practice.  We live in the country.  Years ago when we moved out here, the ditches were clean.  Nothing but nature graced the roadside.  Now, it is a different story.  We take garbage bags and clean up along our section of the road.  And everytime I pick up someone's litter, I think black thoughts.  I want to know their names so I can take it all to their house and dump it on their lawn.  Well, maybe I really wouldn't do that, but I would give it serious thought.

Certainly not all people in vehicles litter.  The majority of citizens respect our planet.  They dispose of their garbage properly.  However, it only takes a few to leave a mess.  Several years ago as I was entering the interstate, someone in the car in front of me opened the windows and threw out a heap of garbage.  I was so upset that I made a decision.  I made my way to the back of the car and  wrote down the license number.  Then I phoned the state police.  The person on the phone asked me many questions which I could answer.  He assured me that they would be watchful for this particular vehicle.  The reason I called-- much of the garbage flying out the windows was beer cans.  It frightened me that those inside had the potential to injure others or themselves.  I don't know if they were stopped, but I do trust that the police were on the look-out for that car.

Do I believe this practice will stop?  No, I don't.

But, what I do believe is that those of us who value our earth will continue to take good care of her.  We will do all we can to keep her clean and beautiful.  Yes, we will.

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