Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Let's Turn It Around

Let's Turn It Around--

You know what?  It is never too late to turn it all around.  If anything you are doing in life is not what you should be doing, stop.  Yes, stop.  Life is way too short to continue in the wrong direction.  The longer you wait, the less time you will have to travel in the right direction.

Sounds so easy.  Why is it that everything that is good for us is so hard to do?  For instance, let's take exercise.  We all know it is good for us.  On a more personal note, I envision myself walking briskly along a lovely path on a warm, sunny day.  Everything in my world is right.  And it is all because I am out exercising.  My mind is clearer, my body stronger and my weight is slowly decreasing.  That is the picture my mind sends to me when I watch someone else exercising.  Those folks out exercising seem so dedicated.  Their clothes are perfect.  Right pants, right tops, right shoes and socks.  Headbands are perfect for the rest of the look.  The pony tail is flipping back and forth with each step.  In each ear is a gadget that sends the music of choice directly to the brain keeping the one listening on track.  It is absolutely perfect.  I love to watch it.  From a bench.  In the shade.  Gosh!  They look amazing.

And then I wake up from the dream that will never be my reality.  My reality looks more like an old lady with a pair of cut-offs and oversized shirt walking at a moderate speed.  No pony tail.  Short hair  does not move much in the breeze.  An ipod with old songs and some classical piano.  Maybe a little symphony thrown in.  But here is the thing--we are all out doing it our way.  Isn't that great?

The wrong direction looks different for each of us.  We may have a worn path to the fridge.  Would that be a wrong direction?  We may have a favorite chair to watch tv most of the day.  Could that be a wrong direction?  I don't know what your wrong direction looks like, but my wrong direction is really many directions.  It is way past time to clean up my act and set some new courses.  Actually, it sounds rather like fun.  I like change, and change is exactly what is needed to get me off this course I am on.

So, let's talk about moving our lives in the right direction.  The direction that will bring us more peace, more joy and more love and hard bodies!  Let's look at all choices and decide we are worth the work of the best direction.  Yep, it will be difficult to adjust our lives to better choices. But remember--  everything and everyone is on our side.  That's pretty big.  We are not alone as we struggle to travel in that new direction.

What do you need to turn around?  What is callling your name?  What is gently shoving you in a new direction?  Why are you hesitating?  Why am I?   Time is ticking away.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

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