Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Balcony People in Our Lives

Balcony People in Our Lives--

So many people to thank and so little time to get that job done!

When I think back over my life, I see lines and lines of people who have paved the way for me to reach  particular goals.  I see people giving me a slight push to try a new thing.  One woman in particular comes into my mind.

Fay was a college instructor.  When she learned that I was a teacher, she began a mission.  That mission was graduate school.  For me.  We had discussions about that many times.  I guess she finally realized that she needed to take matters into her own hands, and she did.  The packet was larger than the rest of the mail we received that day.  It was an application to graduate school.  She took the time to put it all together for me.  So, I filled it out, returned it and began classes.  Thank you, Fay.

Moving to a new city and state can be stressful especially when you move in January.  We did that years go.  One car, a baby and cold, cold days and nights became the new normal in Normal.  We knew finding a church home was important.  We visited many churches before making the decision.  Not long after we began attending, I received a phone call from a woman I had never met.  She invited me to a women's Sunday school class.  That simple act was all it took for a wonderful friendship to form.  Thank you, Sylvia.

Nancy delivers our mail.  Sometimes she stops in for a brief visit.  Sometimes we are the bathroom break house.  Tickled about that.  It reminds me to keep the bathroom clean.  She not only carries the mail, but she also brings sunshine into the lives of the people on her route.  She cares for each and every one of us.  And we all love her.  Thank you, Nancy.

One of my sisters is a trusted friend.  I know if I am troubled, she will listen and help me.  We have taken trips together, laughed together, cried together.  We encourage one another.  We live many miles apart but visit often using cells, texts and emails.  I am blessed to have her in my life.  Thank you, Barbara.

The list goes on and on.  All of these people are my balcony peope.  Have you read that book?   Balcony People.  Part of the book talks about this great balcony that forms a circle above us.  On that balcony, leaning over shouting encouragement, are all the people who love us.  Some have died, some live close to us, some live far away.  It matters not where they are.  What matters is they continue shouting at us to do that next thing.  They tell us we are worthy of greatness.  They smile when we accomplish that one big thing we have been working to achieve.  It's not about the number of folks in the balcony, it about the love sent our way by even one.  The cool thing is we are in the balcony of others.  We are there when we encourage someone.  We are in that balcony when we care.  When we love.

Have you thought about all those folks who paved your way?  Who gave silently so that you could achieve?  Who walked the tough walks of life quietly with you?  Of course you have.  It is good to remember each person who touched your life.  But, I think there is one more step to be taken.

Have you taken the time to thank them for being with you in all the ups and downs of life?  Have I?  You know what--there is time to let others know how much we appreciate them.  Right now there is time.  Let's do this together.  This will only take a few minutes a day.

It could look like this.  Using email, a note or a call, let's get in touch with one person a day.  Tell them how they have made our life better.  How we value them.  I know this.  If we could see their faces, we would know how much those words we share mean to them.  Why have we waited this long, anyway??

Being grateful gives us a softness that brings others in.  Being grateful changes our attitude.

Ready?  Go!!


  1. I think you told me to read this book back in high school. Thank you for being one of my balcony people. In adolescence, you were such a positive, down to earth, and funny influence on so many of us. To this day, your words drive my creativity.

  2. SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to be in your balcony! The best place to be. Today I will walk just a little above the ground because of you! Do not stop being creative!!:) Best wishes for a wonderful day.
