When Creativity Flows--
Late night into early morning is the time when my creativity kicks into gear. It keeps me awake. During the day too much happens. The phone rings, a text appears, emails need to be answered, people stop by, the husband aggravates, laundry needs to be moved from washer to dryer. Too much going on to stop and think. One task follows another. Television drones away in the evening. Is it just me, or do others think the programs are fairly mindless?
Once my roommate heads to bed and the house is quiet, new ideas pop into my head. Maybe I should move the furniture around and create new spaces for conversation. Or perhaps I can use that quiet time to clean my office. All drawers, all shelves, all surfaces. Whatever comes into my mind in the late to early hours usually proves to be a good thing.
I read about a woman who loved staying in bed until late in the morning. She said in the quiet and still, thoughts and ideas formed. She was saying that it is ok to allow yourself the time to think. I love that. Usually I am in constant motion. After thinking about what she said, I decided to try it. When I didn't get out of bed until quite late one day, my husband asked if I were feeling sick. I replied that I was thinking. Letting my creativity flow in whatever direction it wanted. Wish I had a picture of the look on his face. I knew what he was thinking. I was using creativity as an excuse to be lazy. Well, he might have a point. But it sure was fun. Staying in bed late into the day is difficult for me. I suppose that is a result of years of getting to school at the crack of dawn. A slight exaggeration....
Sometimes I make lists of people to contact. Often in the bustle of day I think about someone, but then forget to follow through with a call, email, text, or note. It matters that I actually do think about them, doesn't it? Right now I remember that a friend is celebrating fifty years of marriage. Time to pull out a card and get it in the mail. While emails are fast, who doesn't love that card, note or letter delivered to the mailbox? What fun to open it and see what someone took the time to put into words on a piece of paper. Some things are simply worth the wait.
If I had been given the gift of creating art, evening would be the perfect time. In my imagination I see myself with a smock covered in smears of paint, holding a palate of colorful paints in one hand with a brush lightly tipping the canvas that is resting on an easel. I see the beginning of an idea taking form on the canvas. I am tipping my head to the right, studying the image. Then I see myself dipping the brush in paint. Instantly new shapes and forms appear as if by magic. I am creating. Then I wake up and realize that I cannot draw one single thing. Not even a tree. But, wouldn't it be wonderful?
What I can do is purchase art and display it in my home. Honestly, I would rather have art on my walls than a sofa. If I had to make that choice, I guess I would bring pillows to use as chairs. The creativity of others simply amazes me. What a wonder to be able to create something from the mind. To see ordinary objects in new and different ways. I am in awe of those who were given this amazing gift.
It is easy to fall into the "I can do nothing creative" category. Been there often. But then that means we are comparing ourselves to others. We never win when that happens. Rather than play that game, we should think about our own interests. Maybe we crochet or knit. Perhaps we write poems that no one has ever read because we are fearful. Or maybe we play an instrument but haven't spent any time practicing for years. It could be that we enjoy rearranging rooms so that they are beautiful and functional. Or maybe our days are spent with small children. Lots of ways to be creative in that environment. What I am trying to say is this. Each of us is gifted in more than one way. Maybe our gifts are not the ones we desire, but they belong to us. We might embrace the ones we are given so that our lives are enriched.
Each day is a blank canvas, isn't it? We have no way of knowing what will happen. We do not know who will walk into our space. We have no idea what challenges will present themselves to us. We have no control over so much that happens in our day. We often follow the same path as the day before because that is the way of life. But, if we have engaged in a little creative thought, we can escape to that sacred place even during a challenging day. We can allow our minds to take us to that Calgon moment where the air smells clean and all is right in the world.
Trying to put thoughts into words that make sense is my way of connecting to others. Sometimes it works. Other times not so much. But, at least I tried. And that is the secret. Whatever we desire to do all comes down to our decision to try. Even though I dislike the word try, it is true that we must do the actual activity that expresses our creativity. Otherwise all that ability vanishes. And then on that day when we decide to knit, we realize that we have no idea how to cast on. What was once a skill to enjoy is now a chore.
Speaking of knitting--many years ago I decided to learn how to knit. I learned how to cast on, how to count stitches, how to change colors and textures. Because I had learned a few things, I decided to knit sweaters for two of my sisters. I slaved over those sweaters. After I had them finished, I decided the arms were not long enough. They looked to me like they would hit arms somewhere around the elbows. I unraveled the sleeves and added more length. Now they looked perfect. When my sisters opened their gifts and tried them on, the arms dropped off their hands about five inches. That was well before the day when it was acceptable to roll up sleeves! We all had a good laugh about my good intentions. Even though we may not succeed at something, we can learn and enjoy the process.
Well, my creativity is about used up for tonight. I look forward to seeing what is placed in front of me when I awake. What creative uses for the day will appear? Who will share something with me that will make a difference in life? While I do not know what will appear, the anticipation is exciting.
Maybe I will sign up for a beginning painting class. They don't give out grades, do they?
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