Monday, July 15, 2013

All Those Thoughts Whirling Around

All Those Thoughts Whirling Around--

Where do thoughts come from, anyway?  Why do we think certain things that we have never thought about before?  I love it that thoughts arrive unexpected.  They catch us and hold us in their space.   We have no control over when they will arrive.  I like that, too.  If we are fast enough, we can jot them down before they are replaced with new thoughts.  The mind is a marvel.

Today I was sitting in our truck in a big box home shopping business parking lot.   Hubby was inside locating items needed for the bathroom remodel.  It was extremely hot.  Windows were rolled down, and I had my foot resting on the window.  It was partly outside the truck.  Such a classy look!

People were coming and going.  Cars, trucks, junkers.  Some folks were returning packages.  Others had lists.  One man headed for his vehicle with hands loaded and the receipt in his mouth trailing behind him.  People were pulling their clothes away from their bodies as they climbed out of their vehicles.  A few drove out of the parking lot with windows down.  I certainly hope they had air conditioning.

Thoughts came whirling into my head.  As I watched all the folks going about their business, I wondered about their story.  We all have a story, you know.  It would be easy to make up a story about each of the people I observed, but my story would probably bear no resemblance to the real thing.  Our thoughts have the ability to change us.  One new thought has the power to rearrange our priorities.  We must learn to value our thoughts.  We can always dismiss the negative ones and give attention to the positive ones.  That is our choice.  Back to my observations...

One young man parked next to me. As he drove into the parking space, I pulled my foot inside the truck.  No need to give him an up- close view of a big foot.   He hurried off into the store.  He walked fast and straight.  He had a lilt to his gait.  Another man walked slowly.  It looked as if he had some type of health challenge.  One woman appeared to be was in deep thought as she made her way to the door.  I smiled as I thought she was probably trying to remember why she drove to this store in the first place!  Been there--done that.

Then there was the person who looked around.  I suspect the reason for all the looking was to help remember where the car was parked.  Been there, too.  All in all, it was very interesting sitting watching people.

As I watched people going about their business, thoughts arrived.  We are different in our shapes.  We are different in our height.  We are of differing ages.  But, we are all human.  We all breathe air.  We all require water to live.  We have to nourish our bodies to stay alive.  We need shelter and clothing.  For us to flourish, love must be present in our lives.  We crave encouragement and recognition.  Yes, we are different, but we are so much more alike.   And because of all the likeness in us, doesn't it make sense for us to nuture one another?  I have almost stopped listening to the news.  It is full of gloom and doom. It is full of how one group of people dislike another.  Or how someone is being mistreated.   Maybe that sells.  I have been thinking about launching a radio show that has nothing--not one thing--negative sent out over the airwaves.  Would people listen?  It would tickle me to know that someone has done an amazing thing.  A few news shows are beginning to realize the impact all the negativity has on their viewers and are including a bit of good at the end of a broadcast.  It is a beginning.

People are hungry to know about human goodness.   My thoughts this morning were not about what might be wrong in peoples' lives, but what might be right.  What might be positive.  I was thankful that all the folks I saw were healthy enough to drive to the store in search of what they needed.  I was thankful that we share this place in space.  It was a good time for me--being in the hot truck watching others go about their business.

And then it was our time to drive away.  My heart was full of joy simply for being alive.  And for air conditioning  going full blast!

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