Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Dreams We Once Had

The Dreams We Once Had--

Is it possible we reach a point in our lives where we do not dream anymore?  The dreaming I am writing about is not the kind that colors our nights, but the ones that captured our imagination years ago.    Maybe it was piloting an airplane.   I tried that once.  Made the decision that I wanted to learn to fly.  Took a lesson with a woman who flew planes in the big war.  She was a very good instructor.  Everything was going well until she told me to shut the engine off--and we were high in the sky.  Shutting the engine off while on the ground would have been fine.  But we were not on the ground.  I remember thinking that I was going to die.  It idled for a bit, and then she told me to start it again.  Obviously it started, or I would not be writing this blog.  Once on the ground and safely in the hanger, I did some serious thinking about flying lessons.  That dream had a beginning and an end on the same day.

I think it is important to recognize the dream.  Take a good look at it.  Roll it around in your mind.  Figure out how you might accomplish it.  Then go for it.  It might make no sense to anyone else.  But, does that matter?  What matters is that you took the chance.

Perhaps you have always wanted to be a chef.  Take lessons.  Or maybe you have always wanted to jump out of an airplane.  Do it.  Strap yourself to that experienced skydiver and take the leap.  Have you always wanted to sing in a group?  Go to places where groups are performing and ask how you might be a backup singer.  You have to start somewhere.  I always thought that would be great fun.  I have sung in groups both large and small and done a bit of performing.  It is so cool.  Join a choir.   Believe in your ability to be part of something that you have dreamed about doing.

Have you wanted to work with children?  Volunteer at a school to listen to children read.  Or tutor a child who needs a little bit of encouragement.  Churches always have classes for children.  Give that some thought.

You see, doing what appeals to you will make you a happier person.  That dream you have held in the private place deep within you is yelling to get out.  It wants to see you have that new experience.  It knows how good you will feel about yourself once you have stepped forward.  That dream that is dormant can come to life.  It is up to you.

I guess the question is this--What are you waiting for?  What has to happen for you to move toward that long held dream?

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