Tuesday, November 18, 2014

An Idea for Doing Good

An Idea for Doing Good-

Something happened that I believe is worth sharing.  In fact, it might even be called a model.

During a sermon at our church, our pastor said these words.  "Share the Love."  Those words went straight to my heart.  I have no idea what he said after those words or before them.  He used that sentence in the middle of his message.  Simple words.  An imperative sentence.  A command.

That afternoon I sat thinking about those words.  How could I share the love?  What action should I take?  Was I missing something simple that I could do for others?  Was it possible that I was refusing to see need even when I could offer help?  These and other thoughts rumbled around in my brain trying to find a place to rest.  But rest was not found.  Instead I continued to think.   What?  Who?  Where?  When?  How?

Slowly an idea began to form.  Why hadn't I thought of it before?  Here is  what happened in a very short time.  Someone suggested it could be a model for others.  Please let me know if you decide to Share the Love!

I contacted 25 of my women friends.
I asked them if they would be willing to join me in purchasing 100 pairs of undies for women in a shelter for abused women.
I set a date for either picking them up or having them dropped off at my house.

That was it.  We collected 110 pairs of undies in a week.  Most of these women are employed so  I offered to purchase for them knowing how busy life is for moms with children.  Some asked me to take care of it for them.

And then the decision was made to continue the project.

Each person would donate $10 a month.  Since there were 25 of us, that meant we could gift women/children with $250 each month.  Ten dollars doesn't go very far, but $250 does.  So, everyone donated $10, and we made another donation to Healthy Start.  This is a group that helps young girls who are pregnant receive training and care during pregnancy and mentoring for two years after they give birth.

We decided to keep it going.

Then one of our members died quite suddenly.  Such saddness.  But, because of Susie, people sent memorials to our little group of 25 women.  So, we have been able to give away over $1000 to help women and children.

We have no bank account.  We are not a not- for- profit.  We are simply a group of caring women who wish to help other women who find themselves in need.  Each month we will have at least $250 to give away.

Would you and your friends be willing to take the challenge of doing something so simple that has such impact on the lives of others in need?  Ten dollars a month goes a long way when it is put together with other ten dollars.  I can almost see the faces of those who receive.  Oh--we don't use our names.  We simply gift.  After all, it isn't about us.

We set up a private group on Facebook so we can communicate our thoughts.  We share our ideas for gifting on that site.

I have thrown this idea out there into the universe.  Please share with me if you decide to use this model to do good in your neighborhood.   What a blessing it has been for all of us.

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