The Gift of Time
Do you know the greatest gift-besides love-that we all receive? It doesn't cost us one penny. It is with us everyday, every minute. It never demands anything. It moves quietly. Do you give up?
It is time. We throw that word around all the time. See? There is is. We say we will do something when we have time. We watch clocks to see what time it is. We remind ourselves that we really do have enough time to get to work--on time. Sometimes we waste time. We do nothing. Is it really possible to do nothing? Or do we find ourselves thinking while we are wasting time?
We might find ourselves saying we don't have time to do a particular task when what we really mean is we don't want to do it. We blame time. After all, time doesn't talk back. We can get away with that excuse-sometimes. How many times have you heard youself say these words: "I have told you time and time again." We use that word all the time.....sorry.
Time is a gift. We can use time to turn things around. If we have caused harm, time may help us correct the mistake. When we realize we are on the wrong road for our lives, time is our friend. We can take time to study what would make our lives better. When we question, time allows us to seek answers. Time doesn't judge our behavior. It simply is.
There are times when we desperately want more time. When someone we love is ill, we pray for time. A few more months, weeks, days, minutes. We beg for time to share life. To care for our person. We want time to be on our side. If only we can be granted a little more of that precious commodity, we will be different people. And we mean it.
Breaking our lives into frames of time helps us achieve all that we set our hearts to achieve. We know when we should be up and about. When we should be at work. When to pick up the kids. When to start dinner. When, when, when. Time orders our lives. Wonder what it would be like to live with no clocks or calendars to keep us on schedule? Time can be a tyrant. Or, maybe we are the tyrant trying to fit everything into time.
From our beginning to our ending, we receive that gift of time. It is like our second skin. It moves with us through our days. A constant. During our joys, it is with us. During our pain, it is there. We can depend on it. It never decides to take a vacation or gets mad and walks away.
Eventually, our time will cease to be. Our moment will end. But, time will continue. So, it seems to me that while we have that wonderful gift, we should use it up. We should enjoy life. We should laugh more. We should love more. We should relax more. We should share life with our special people more. We should learn new things. We should welcome new people into our lives. The list of what we can and might do with our time is a never ending list.
Know what? It is time for me to bring this to a close. I am so grateful for the time to share a little of life with each of you. After all, all we ever really have is time.
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