Thursday, May 23, 2013

Spin Cycle of Life

Spin Cycle of Life--

Sometimes I feel I am "stuck in the spin cycle of life."  That is a quote I read from a Kristen Hannah book.  It hit a spot with me.  Stuck in the spin cycle--going round and round with no particular destination.

Could it mean that we do the same things, talk to the same people, walk the same walk day after day after day?  Is that a bad thing?  When you read that phrase, does it sound an alarm in your life, or does it feel familiar and comfy?

The key word is "stuck."  There are millions of folks who would probably share that they love their life.  It brings them joy just as it is.  There is no thought of switching anything around.  There is a peace for them in knowing what to expect each day.  The daily routine is broken only when an unexpected event arises.   They would disagree with the notion that they are stuck in anything.  I agree with them.  If happiness and contentment comes from a regular routine with no surprises, then certainly they are not stuck.

Then there are those of us who constantly seek something different.  It can be as simple as driving home a new way.  Maybe even going out of our way in order to do that. Or rearranging the furniture.  That simple think breathes new life into a room.  Maybe moving art around or taking something from another room and finding a new location for it.  We like a certain amount of routine that gets our chores done.  Beyond that, we are constantly on the look-out for an adventure.  That adventure might be meeting a friend for lunch in a totally new place, trying food we have never tried before.  It doesn't mean we alter our lifestyle.  It means a steady routine of the same things kills our creative juices.

I will confess that I don't want to be stuck in the spin cycle of life.  This world we have been given has so much to offer.  I want to see more and do more.  Some of that seeing and doing will require a bit of travel.  Some of it won't.  Having new experiences stirs my spirit.   I feel refreshed by new experiences.  Often those experiences give me the shove I need to do the thing I never thought I could do.

Writing falls into that category.  Many years ago I had a very unique experience.  I listened and followed that listening.  And in the process I mentioned that writing was very difficult.  Expressing myself in a way that others would understand was agony.  The reply was if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.  I was told to keep communicating through writing.  There is no doubt in my mind that what I share is not world shattering.  But, if what I write touches one person, it is more than enough.

However, I get stuck in that spin cycle often.  My computer, desk, lamp, paper--all the things I need to write--are setting waiting.  And what do I do?  Avoid.  I wash a dish, fold a load of laundry, check emails, watch a tv program--anything to avoid the solitary task of writing.  I simply go round and round.  Because of that, days may pass before I force myself to sit down, place my fingers on the keys and begin.  How freeing it is when I quiet my spirit and write.  Writing takes me in new directions.  I think about who might be reading and what their lives might be like.  The spin cycle is turned off.

So, now that I have shared my spin cycle story, do you find yourself in one, also?  Do you put off the very thing that will bring you the most pleasure because of--who knows what?  What would it take for you to move toward it instead of away from it?

Spin, spin, spin.  Stop.

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