Forever Changed--
The day begins like all other days. Alarms sound. People hit the snooze button for that extra few winks. Birds welcome this day with lovely songs. It is a day like all others.
Parents rouse sleeping children. Time to get ready for school. Wash faces, brush teeth, comb through sleep tangled hair. Where are the shoes? What outfit? All books in the book bag? Time for a quick breakfast before we kiss goodbye. Toast, scrambled eggs, pancakes, juice, milk. Or maybe a bar of some sort.
Everything in place for another day at school and work. An ordinary day. Parents drop off kids at school. Remind them to have a wonderful day. To be sure they do their lessons well. Eat all the food on their plate at lunch. See you in a few hours.
A day like all others. Parents and those who watch after children hurry off to begin their own day. Coffee first. Maybe coffee from the service station or the drive-thru. Cell phone charged. Thinking about the work that they will start in a few minutes.
It all started so innocently. The usual morning. Cranky kids, forgotten items, hugs and kisses. Families being families.
Another plan is in motion. One that will forever alter the lives of those in this small town. Wind is meeting wind. Clouds are forming. A different type of day is about to be born. One that will damage people, places and possessions.
And then the alarm sounds. It is the alarm that means a tornado is coming. People understand this. They have experienced this before. Terror grips their souls as they attempt to make the best decisions that will mean they and their loved ones survive. Where to go for safety? Did the school move the students to safe places? Yes, of course they did. But parents must ask that question.
This massive force of destruction has its way with this town and its people. It has a mind of its own. It works its horror and then moves on. It has no feelings. It simply is. It formed and grew into a monster. No one could stop it.
Where are the neighbors? Where are the homes and businesses? And where are the children? Those precious children who followed the instructions that hopefully would keep them from harm. They went to the safest place in the school. They covered their heads. They were afraid. Teachers calmly talked with them. Assured them that they would be ok. It was the right thing to do.
If only. If only the storm had veered a bit into fields where no homes stood. If only there had been another opportunity to brush back the hair from the face. if only there had been time to look into those eyes once again. If onlys can go on forever.
People will start over. That is what we do. In the midst of complete devastation and loss, people will stand tall. They will take care of others as well as themselves. They will offer solace to those whose loss is beyond words. It will take time--so much time.
Be kind to one another. In an instant everything can be so different. What we know can become what we knew. Take the time even when you think you don't have it to give, to love others simply because they occupy this planet with us.
Blessings to you all.
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