Friday's Word--
One of the joys of this season is giving. Folks are out and about searching for that perfect gift for special people. Packages are beautifully wrapped. And when the time is just right, those packages are given away. The receiver experiences excitement and fun at receiving a gift. The giver experiences a warm heart knowing that what they selected was perfect. It is a win/win.
Presents are one way we give to others. Home baked cookies are another! Who doesn't enjoy a plate of warm cookies fresh from the oven? When we think of this season, we think of sharing food. We don't give plain old cookies. No, we decorate them with sprinkles and icing. We cut them in Christmas shapes. We spend time making them beautiful to see and eat. In our family we prepare special foods just for this holiday. Everyone looks forward to dinner around a table. Good food, fun conversation, loving family. Yes, food plays a large part in this season.
We give of our talents, too. We sing in church choirs, help with communion, read scripture, sing carols. Gifts and talents include a friendly spirit, a warm handshake, a hug. We all have gifts and talents. When we give of oursleves through them, others feel welcomed and loved. We volunteer to visit nursing homes or ring bells outside businesses. We take dinner to those who need to be remembered. Our talents are very apparent during Christmas.
Christmas cards appear in mailboxes. These cards are one way others give to us. They share their year with us through the gift of a card. It takes time to write a letter or a note. When we share their lives through their words, we are given the gift of friendship. Often I keep the letters and cards to reread after the crazy of the season has passed. They remind me of the lovely people who grace my life.
All of the above are wonderful ways to give to others. Of course we realize that by giving to others, we are also giving to ourselves. Giving is a way to fill the empty spot that resides deep within us. The simple act of thinking of another's needs moves us to a new and precious spot. For that moment our wants take a back seat as we care for another. A perfect example of this is when storms take away homes. People give and give and give. There is little or no thought to personal needs. Then there are those who are lonely this season. When someone we loved so deeply and dearly dies, the emptiness overwhelms. The sense of loss is almost touchable. Sometimes we feel there is nothing we can do to encourage people who are experiencing such grief. But there is. Keep reading.
The one gift I have not mentioned yet is probably the most precious gift of all. It is the gift of time.
How often have I thought about giving the gift of time but didn't. What were my reasons? When I remove all the layers of reasons, I am left with something quite simple. This something is I didn't want to give of myself. It is much easier to write a check or send a card. An email is a caring thing to do, but it does not require much of me. I suspect you are in the same boat with me. We desire to help. We do care, but we want our caring to be from afar. Our time is already limited. At least we think it is.
My question to all of us is this: How much time does it take to visit someone once a month? How much time does it take to make a call to a shut-in? You know the answer as well as I do. While time is certainly part of the picture, it isn't the whole picture. I think we would change our thinking about this if we could see into the heart of someone who was so grateful for our visit--our gift of time.
Giving makes us better people. We give because our Creator gave. Each of us decides when and how much to give. That includes time, talents, gifts. Striking a balance that works in our lives is a bit tricky but certainly worth considering. Maybe we can make it a family event. A once a month event. We know how important it is for us to give. It helps our mental health and our spiritual health. Our children see our example and follow in our footsteps as they grow. Not much better than that!
What shall we think about tomorrow? How about rest? Rest has many definitions. And now I am going off to bed to do just that! Talk soon.
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