Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wednesday's Word--

Wednesday's Word--

Well, Wednesday's word simply didn't happen.  I must apologize to you, dear readers.  The day got away from me with all the last minute preparations.

Christmas Day is now in my memory bank.  It was full to overflowing with special moments.  I am sure that you had the same experience.  I do have a few thoughts about Wednesday that I would like to share with you.

Actually, let me start with Christmas Eve night.  We attended a Christmas Eve service at our church.   Many people were already seated when we arrived.  Music was playing.  The tree was ablaze with lights.  Candles marked the ends of all pews.  It was lovely.  The message was timely with Cool and the Gang's song "Celebrate" adding to the festive message.  People clapped, sang along and some stood up and danced.  Yes, we should celebrate our faith, shouldn't we?  It is such a wonderful gift.

Wednesday was spent with the family.  We have an annual treasure hunt for the grandchildren.  This one was pretty cool.  Then packages were opened and finally food was eaten.  We were all starving by the time we got around to filling our plates.

The rest of the day and evening was spent sharing times with the family.  The grandchildren love to cook so we spent time preparing new dishes.  It would be boring for you to hear all of the things we did as you have some of the same experiences.  Suffice it to say, it was a lovely day.

Some final thoughts--
We are almost at the beginning of a new year.  This new year is a clean slate.  We can make of it whatever we want.  We can heal old wounds.  We can begin something new and exciting.  We can tell those we love that we love them.  On a daily basis.  We can cease being afraid of what others think.  Honestly, we are only a fleeting thought in their minds, anyway!  We can tell ourselves that we are priceless creations.  There will never be another one of us.  Isn't that amazing?  We can stop beating ourselves up over our failures.  The good thing about failures is that we tried.  We can refuse to allow fear to direct our actions.  We can step into the sunshine of God's love and rejoice.

Yep, there will be times in this coming year when the going may get a little tough.  During those times, we can share our challenges with others and allow them to walk with us.  Our families and friends are our rocks when we need a solid base.  Asking and sharing is sometimes tough.  We are used to making sure others have the help they need.  When we need help, it is difficult.  But, what good are one way relationships?

Once again--thank you for reading my attempts at writing.  Would you please share my blog site with your friends and family?  I have no idea how to increase the readership.  I would certainly appreciate it!

Will be taking a couple of days off to think and observe life.  Need to recharge myself before I attempt to share anything new with each of you.  So, see you in a bit!

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