Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sunday's Word--

Sunday's Word--

We are quickly closing in on Christmas Day.  Only a few more words before this blog is over.  It has been fun thinking of words that all of us experience.

There was ice on the roads this morning.  Our driveway was a sheet of ice until late afternoon when it began to rain.   Falling temperatures tonight make ice on the driveway a sure thing in the morning.   It is winter.  However, it would be greatly appreciated if the bad weather moved out into the ocean for the holidays.

The word for today was sharing.  Where to begin with that word!

Today I saw pictures on Facebook of decorated Christmas cookies.  My!  They were beautiful.  Family and friends will certainly enjoy them.  I appreciate her sharing her handiwork with all of us who are less gifted in the kitchen.  Others have been sharing hats and scarves they have knitted.  They are lovely.  So colorful.  One would make a fashion statement if seen wearing one or both of those creations.

Sharing positive words and pictures is another way people connect with one another.  Again, Facebook seems to be the place where many people make their statement about things that are important to them.  Whether I agree or disagree is not the point.  The point, from where I sit, is that they have a view about something important to them.  Others respond, and the world goes on.

We share when we take the time to meet and visit.  I did this with a friend yesterday.  We met and had a wonderful conversation.  We have been friends for many years.  It is always a joy to spend time sharing what is happening in our lives.  I bet you do this, too.  While writing is a fast way to connect with many people, there is nothing like sitting over a cup of coffee visiting.

Today was a good day to wrap packages at my house.  The two of us shared memories of past Christmas mornings.  We fussed over which paper to use for each person.  We rewrapped when the first job was not up to par.  We made decisions about the treasure hunt that will happen on Christmas Day.  It was a day full of sharing.   We managed to spend most of the day indoors together without someone getting their nose out of joint!:)  That is amazing.

I received the most beautiful card from a friend today.  She touched my heart with her thoughtfulness.  She wanted to share how much our friendship means to her.  She is new to the area.  I remember how that felt.  When we moved here, I knew no one.  It is a lonely feeling to be in a place of strangers.  Reaching out to help was the right thing to do.  From that I was gifted with a new friend.  Isn't that wonderful!  If you have the opportunity to help a person new to this area, please take the time to do that.  You will be throwing them a lifeline.

If the roads clear, I will take a small gift to a woman who is 100 years old.  I met her this summer.  Her circle of friends has tightened.  Not many people live to be 100.  She is a delight.  I want to be sure and visit her before Christmas Day.  Maybe I will try to make a batch of those Christmas cookies.  Ok.  I probably won't.  But, there are nice ones at the bakery!!:)

We have opportunities every day to share our lives, our faith, our love with others.  We can decide to engage in conversation with others, or we can back away from conversation.  We can tell others how much they mean to us, or we can assume they know.  So many decisions about what our life will be and how it will look.

It has been my pleasure to share a few minutes about my day with you.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring.  But, I do know that this day won't come again.  Tomorrow I receive a new day.  I am anxious to see who will share it with me.

Sunday's word--How about peace.  What does that word bring to your mind?


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