Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thursday's Word--

Thursday's Word--

When I selected conversation as Thursday's word, I had no idea how important that would be.

Today I received a phone message saying I needed to call a certain number as soon as possible.  The voice conveyed urgency, so as soon as I listened to the message, I made the call.

The voice on the other end of the phone asked for information to verify that I was who I said I was.  Once that part of the conversation was finished, she told me that someone had tried to use my bank debit card.  Evidently someone stole the number on my card.  Then they made a counterfeit card with my number on it.  After they had all their ducks in a row, they attempted to charge over $1000.00 worth of merchandise at a local discount store.

They might have pulled the robbery off had they not gone shopping from 2AM to 3AM.  The representative from the bank said that between certain hours, the credit department that accepts or rejects credit card purchases is closed.  So, when the cashier pushed the credit approval button, it was denied.  That didn't stop them.  They tried three more times.  Each time the amount was rejected.  She said they probably threw the card away once they realized it wasn't going to work for them.

That explained why I had not been able to use my debit card the day before.  The bank shut down the ability to make credit purchases.  Since they didn't have my pin number, I could continue to use the card as a debit card.  But, I didn't know that.  I thought the strip on the back of the card might have gone bad.  Sometimes that happens.  I had intended to make a trip to the bank to see what was wrong with the card.  Little did I know!

She said they monitor bank cards very carefully.   Boy!  Am I grateful for that.  During our conversation she gave  me the times and amounts of each failed transation.  We closed the account.  I will receive a new card in a few days.  But, this really makes me think about using cards at all.

That was a conversation I had not anticipated.  But, it was a conversation I was very happy to receive.  The bank rep was most kind.  I was kind, also.  There was no need to be upset.  What was tried had failed.  It would have been a different story had they been able to learn my pin number.

So, today's big conversation was with a complete stranger who wanted to help me.  Yes, it was her job to do that.  But, even so, I am tickled that I received the call.  I hope they pay her and others who do the same job well.

What interesting conversation did you have today?

It's time for tomorrow's word.  What shall it be?  How about giving.  We think of giving during the holiday season, but it is a word for the whole year.  Think about all the different ways we practice giving.

I think giving is good.  Talk tomorrow.

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